- Have fun!
- Support Polhemus Insidetrack and Cybermind Visette Pro HMD
- VRML Error
- VRML Viewpoint error
- Inertia Cube
- Transform object & matrices
- <viewpoint>.setclip
- starting Vizard from a Python script
- viz.noprojection()
- Passing arguments to vizard script
- User opinions Visette Pro HMD from Cybermind?
- Bump mapping?
- Video Card Review
- Creating Movies
- viz.eyeheight ( )
- chaging screen resolutions
- v 1.09 problems with STEREO/HMD modes
- wxPython with Vizard
- collision detection?
- max child objects
- switching between scenes
- Problems with viz.screencapture
- installation problem
- some question on vizard
- html
- problem with Tk
- Tk with Vizard
- Mousewheel as input
- I cannot show wrl file with text node
- viz.splashscreen() and stereo
- .max ---> .vrml
- Source Forge
- Sharing Files on SourceForge
- Free VIP passes for Siggraph - Vizard2.0 release
- Do you have some idea about the bicycle and wheel
- Textures: Before & after
- how can I change the avatar's head
- Creating Custom Avatar Heads
- Can I see infinite distance
- Do you have output dialog.
- problem in viz2.0
- Vizard 2.0x lighting
- Do you have more instruction for COLLISION_EVENT
- Split Screen
- windows and viewpoints
- accessing screen buffer
- networking
- rotations in vizard
- Viewpoint transforms
- vizard rotations
- vizmat.makeIdent()
- Python keycode constants
- walkTo function
- 3D sound & child objects
- Cal3D Avatars
- 3D sound
- saving the position
- Closing file handles from within function
- Halting mouse view-transforms
- Maya -> VRML
- 3d model rotation?
- Dynamic texture?
- script crash
- identity crisis
- Streaming
- attach prop to avatar?
- Working w/ multiple scripts
- runtime window
- Keyframing
- Linking avatar 'bones' to a position tracker.
- running scripts without the IDE showing
- Changing the viewpoint angle
- Fullscreen mode is kaput
- callback problem in v2.12
- Problems with 3DMeNow Avatar Heads
- Default FOV
- problem starting/stopping auto tracking
- Multiple Environments
- 2D graphic problems
- something to add to your docs re: .wav files and lip flapping
- Fog
- Crash
- The error window that couldn't
- <transform>.getRot() not working
- Rotation
- <viewpoint>.link
- CPU Usage
- Text Display
- Setting up a 'reaction area'
- Using Cal3d Avatars
- Multiple Python Installations
- Navigation Speed/Too Slow
- A hotspot id of -1 will never trigger.
- Avatrs provided
- Basic Joystick Navigation Question
- Obtaining Positional Data
- Curtain problems
- Avatar Hotspots
- Upward Drift with HMD
- Another Joystick Question
- Lighting Problem
- plug-ins that return quaternions
- SEOS HMD 120/67 compatability
- Communicating with openGL
- Improving Performance
- Progressive Motion Of The Viewpoint
- Lots of Question
- Manipulating 3D Models
- Units Question
- Stereoscopy
- VIEW_EULER coords
- Laptop for VR
- Texture map rendering problem
- Script loading problem
- animated gifs
- Graphics accelerator problem
- looking for more info on avatar studio commands
- massive performance hit for stereo mode
- 3DMeNow avatars
- spinto
- animation
- Problems with lighting in 2.0
- Stand-alone executables, etc.
- Multi-Texture in Landscape and tiling
- for loop concatenation for 300 billboarding trees
- angle conversion
- Cal3d issue
- Field of View
- avatar bone movement
- Problem with people maker
- hierarchical structure
- particle
- field of view for nVis HMD
- Translate HEAD_POS to absolute coordinates?
- number of faces to load using the 'old' txt version of avatars
- coalesceing euler angles
- Fog Color
- eye movement
- Quake too dark
- viz.CULLFACE and viz.clip??
- The effect of lighting on performance
- Getting access to the eyes of CFG avatars
- Tracking Head + Hand
- Change Avatar Head
- trouble loading vrml files generated by ProE
- talk with an avatar?
- keeping a 3d object in front of the view
- vizppt.dls
- error message
- Pitch Question
- gloves
- Physics engine question
- limits on number of objects
- another physics question
- error message
- getting absolute rotation
- Next version of Vizard
- switch statement
- node3d.center function
- Texture tiling
- dynamic camera views
- calculating angle differences
- Face Conversion Integrity
- generating images for panoramas using cube maps
- moving viewpoint vs. translating Head_pos
- spinto
- new vizard user having trouble
- GUI Elements Tutorial Problems
- avatar animations
- dynamic access of avatar location
- No character studio!
- changing the texture of an avatars shirt/body
- Using the 'speak' command with non-vzf heads
- Advanced/"Conditional" avatar animations
- The get command
- generate an infinite terrain
- animating custom faces: in search of "open_mouth" morphs
- exporting snow(particle effect) from 3dstudiomax to vizard
- conditional statements for states
- PeopleMaker - creating morphs
- Viewpoint Manipulation
- accessing morph targets of avatar
- too many heads
- Translate Head Pos to Starting Pos via Key
- registering for vizard 2.17
- reseting a user to virtual West
- Headless avatar
- More on avatar animations
- Animating an out-of-body transition
- moving the head about
- moving the head about
- Re: 'moving the head about'
- Including Files that Include Other Files
- sid.trigger
- Online Support from Forum
- video
- on/off button
- physics documentation
- Using on-the-fly with objects
- PROBLEM: Picture-in-Picture breaks textures?!?
- VizUtils
- Making an avatar speak while performing an idling animation
- VirusScan OnAccess Scan causes long loading times
- TRANSPARENT MASKS not transparent
- customizing an avatar
- Problems Importing VRML Files
- running into a thread limit
- Swapping VZF heads on the same avatar
- How to simply texture an avatar's head with a jpeg graphic?
- Question about 3DMeNow
- picture-in-picture
- animation sequence
- embedded Vizard
- to rephrase my question...
- importing cal3d in 3ds?
- Picture-in-Picture texture problems (again)
- where has my mouth_open file gone?
- Creating Subclasses of Vizard Classes
- Lip movement threshold
- vizinfo
- does viz.go() have an antidote?
- vizrecorder
- game devices
- avatars slowing me down
- Software good for VR for Docs???
- avatar head texture issues
- avatars speaking problem
- active avatar functions while networking
- Weird lagging/choppiness when avatars perform actions
- Spin Move
- freeze problem
- 3d Text with Transparent Borders
- viewpoint movement
- equivalent to setExpression
- cal3d Problems
- file input
- object detection
- Getting the String of a Text3d Object
- Changing the Color of On-the-Fly Objects
- Move Objects
- Vizard Crashes: causes are hard to determine, possible problem with the viz code
- Draw Line between Points selected by mouse
- 3D sound in vizard
- Stop for... loop
- use vizard object oriented
- Creating on the fly objects and projecting them on texture
- partially stopping tracking
- using Lightwave objects
- ModName: osg.dll Error
- on the fly objects