Going over some old code and I had a question.
Years ago, I modified vizjoy.py for the twist method.
The original method is:
def getTwist(self):
"""Returns the twist of the joystick"""
return self.getRotation()[2]
My new method hardly changed anything:
def getTwist(self):
"""Returns the twist of the joystick"""
return self.getRotation()
Why do you only return the second element of the joystick? For other hardware such as the XBoxController with 2 sticks, I can't directly query the state without this information or utilize the overwritten callback to twist that is in your documentation.
That is, I wouldn't be able to do the following with only one element being passed from getTwist
def twist(self, val):
self.xRAccel = 0.0
self.yRAccel = 0.0
if (abs(val.twist[0]) >= self.deadZone):
self.xRAccel = val.twist[0]
if (abs(val.twist[1]) >= self.deadZone):
self.yRAccel = val.twist[1]
Is there something I am missing? Is there another method someplace to get this information about the second analog stick?