View Full Version : Conveyor Belt demo

01-09-2014, 06:47 AM
Hey everyone,

I am trying to get the Conveyor Belt demo to work with our system. I can grab the objects from the belt and let go of them again. But I can't seem to figure out how to get them counted towards the score. They are not getting recognized in the DropBin.update method.
Also, they are falling with a very high velocity and bounce of the ground or whatever they hit like a bouncy ball.
What am I doing wrong?

The only part of my code where I am interacting with the objects is this:

def updateGrabs():
global grab
if gripTracker.getButtonState() >= 2:
if grab == False:
# check to see if the hand/thermometer intersects with an object in the scene
handPos = rightHandTracker.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL)
# go through each item the list and find out if any are in range
selectedItem = None
selectedItemDistance = 0.2# set min distance
for item in GrabObjects.grabObjects:
# find the closest inside of that distance
d = vizmat.Distance(handPos, item.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL))
if selectedItemDistance > d:
selectedItem = item
selectedItemDistance = d
if selectedItem:
grab = viz.grab(rightHandTracker,selectedItem)
if grab != False:
grab = False


01-14-2014, 04:18 AM
I managed to solve both problems.

I got rid of the bouncyness by reseting the objects when the grab is removed:

if grab != False:
grab = False

I got the objects being recognized by not removing the DropBin bounding boxes but rather make them invisible (and I also remove the objects from the scene as soon as they are inside of a bin)