View Full Version : transparency control

02-21-2010, 08:32 PM
I would like to embody gradient transparency.
Yes, I could set alpha or transparency by <node3d>.alpha, but the alpha value is applied in all object.
Is there any method to control alpha values in pixel by pixel on screen or image?
Can I manage alpha map in Vizard? If it is possible, how can I handle it?


02-14-2012, 07:02 AM
I would like to embody gradient transparency.
Yes, I could set alpha or transparency by <node3d>.alpha, but the alpha value is applied in all object.
Is there any method to control alpha values in pixel by pixel on screen or image?
Can I manage alpha map in Vizard? If it is possible, how can I handle it?


You may want to try setting your alpha the following way:

<node3d>.alpha(<alpha value>, op=viz.OP_OVERRIDE)

However, doing this may cause you to lose color values. It's likely that you will have to re-apply the color after you set your alpha this way.