Changing the viewpoint angle
The world I'm creating needs to use the arrow keys to control the view. I am starting with the arrow key control from the gallery example:
#Go Forward or Backward if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_UP): viz.move(0,0,TRANSLATE_INC) elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN): viz.move(0,0,-TRANSLATE_INC) #Turn Left or Right if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT): viz.rotate(viz.BODY_ORI,-ROTATION_INC,0,0) elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT): viz.rotate(viz.BODY_ORI,ROTATION_INC,0,0) Thanks so much for your help... sorry for all these newbie questions. |
the 3 arguments to the viz.rotate command is yaw, pitch, and roll. So just make ROTATION_INC the second argument instead of the first.
#Turn Up or Down if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_UP): viz.rotate(viz.BODY_ORI,0,-ROTATION_INC,0) elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN): viz.rotate(viz.BODY_ORI,0,ROTATION_INC,0) |