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Old 03-10-2009, 10:40 AM
durf durf is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 61
reseting an object


I am trying to reset an object. Right now when my sensor passes over and object and then sets the position to to -10 on the y axis. What I want to do is when my sensor leaves that object how do I reset that particular object to 0 on the y - axis.

I have my objects arranged in an array which lays the objects out on the x and z -axis flat on the y -axis. The array is 4 x 5.

Thanks for any help
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Old 03-10-2009, 01:45 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Posts: 2,471
Are you using viz.intersect to see whether or not the sensor is over the block?

You can continue to us viz.intersect to see whether or not the line drawn from below the sensor is still intersecting the block. If it is you don't need to do anything since the block has already been moved down. If it's not intersecting that object anymore the sensor has moved beyond it and you can reset the object's position.

if you're still using the vizintersect code from the other thread you started than you could change it to something like this.

currentBlock = None
def moveBlock():
	global currentBlock
	x,y,z = ball.getPosition()
	info = viz.intersect([x,y-1,z],[x,y-20,z])
	if info.valid and currentBlock == None:
		currentBlock = info.object
		currentBlock.setPosition([0,-10,0], viz.REL_LOCAL)
	elif not info.valid and currentBlock is not None:
		currentBlock.setPosition([0,10,0], viz.REL_LOCAL)
		currentBlock = None
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Old 03-17-2009, 06:36 PM
durf durf is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 61
Still not working... Below is the code I have created for it. Im thinking it has something to do with the array. Just getting confused with it.

import viz

OriginalPillar = viz.add('pillarWRL.wrl')

viz.MainView.setPosition([0,10,-35]) #sets camera position
viz.MainView.setEuler([0,2,0]) #sets camera pitch


numLights = viz.input('How many lights are you tracking?')
numLights = min(8,numLights)

for x in range(numLights): #creates sensor and call
	#Add ground
	ground = viz.add( 'tut_ground.wrl' )
	#Create sensor
	ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls')
	#Create ball
	ball = viz.add('white_ball.wrl')
	ballLink =, ball)
	#controls distance in virtual world
	ballLink.postScale([8,1,13],target = viz.LINK_FULL_OP)

	columns = [-20, -10, 0, 10, 20]
	rows = [0, 6, 12, 18]
pillars = []
for x in columns:  #creates an array of pillars
	for y in rows:
		pillar = OriginalPillar.copy()
		pillar.translate(0+x, 0, 0+y)

number = 0
def showPillar(): #displays pillars
	global number
	number +=1

currentBlock = None
def moveblock():

	global currentBlock
	x,y,z = ball.getPosition()
	info = viz.intersect([x,y-1,z],[x,y-20,z])
	if info.valid and currentBlock == None:
		currentBlock = info.object
		currentBlock.setPosition([0,-10,0], viz.REL_LOCAL)
	elif not info.valid and currentBlock is not None:
		currentBlock.setPosition([0,10,0], viz.REL_LOCAL)
		currentBlock = None
vizact.ontimer(0, moveblock)
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Old 03-18-2009, 12:48 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 2,471
I think an intersection occurs with the ground and that interferes with code to move the pillars. Try disabling intersection on the ground
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