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Old 05-04-2016, 05:17 PM
JB_HP_Viz JB_HP_Viz is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 31
Four Wall Cave using two client cluster

Looking for information on how to setup a four wall CAVE that has a cluster with a Master and two clients. In the documentation I found it talks about
either a single computer running all four walls or four computer cluster (one for each wall).

The Master does not display any of the walls, it is just the master for the two clients.
CLIENT1 displays the Front Wall and the Right Wall
Nvidia Graphic Card Front Wall Projector(graphic ports 1&2 clone mode) and Right Wall Projector(graphic ports 3&4 clone mode)
CLIENT2 displays the Left Wall and the Floor
Nvidia Graphic Card Floor Projector(graphic ports 1&2 clone mode) and Left Wall Projector(graphic ports 3&4 clone mode)
See attached photo

I found the information on how to setup a Clustered CAVE

From Documentation example:
#Create cave object
cave = vizcave.Cave()

#Add each wall, make sure that they are ordered in the cluster software correctly to match this ordering
cave.addWall(FrontWall, mask=viz.MASTER)
cave.addWall(LeftWall, mask=viz.CLIENT1)
cave.addWall(RightWall, mask=viz.CLIENT2)
cave.addWall(BottomWall, mask=viz.CLIENT3)

For my CAVE:
#Add each wall, make sure that they are ordered in the cluster software correctly to match this ordering
cave.addWall(FrontWall, mask=viz.CLIENT1)
cave.addWall(LeftWall, mask=viz.CLIENT2)
cave.addWall(RightWall, mask=viz.CLIENT1)
cave.addWall(BottomWall, mask=viz.CLIENT2)

But I can't get the walls to display correctly, since all I can tell it is to use CLIENT1 or CLIENT2 but not which nvidia graphics port for the correct projector.

I also looked through the documentation on a Single Machine doing a CAVE

I have also tried to configure the CAVE using Vizconnect, but vizconnect just has you choose which monitor and doesn't allow the user to select the CLIENT.

So if I look at the documentation on a Clustered CAVE.
and I use this command cave.addWall(FrontWall, mask=viz.CLIENT1) how does it know which nvidia graphics port to use so it uses the Front Projector.

Do I need to combine the information from the documentation on Clustered CAVE and Single Machine CAVE?

Do I need to use something like the code below from the Single Machine combined with identifying CLIENT1 or CLIENT2 in the Cluster code with the MainWindow?

#Size of each window
WINDOW_SIZE = [1.0/3.0,1.0]

#Add each wall
frontWindow = viz.MainWindow

Thank you
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	nvidia_configuration_for_client_050316.jpg
Views:	2254
Size:	507.3 KB
ID:	784  
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