I'm still trying to figure out a single working way to export a model from Vizard so I can edit in in other software. Here are my results so far:
- DAE: "some other transform type. Missing 1 children" is repeated serveral times on the console when invoking node.save(). All textures are intact, but no transformations I applied to the models are exported.
- 3DS: no textures are exported
- OBJ: No textures are exported, a material file is created without the textures, but transformations applied to the models are exported correctly.
- OSG*/IVE: No software I tried can import the resulting files - Vizard seems to use a custom transform type that no other software can read.
- FLT: No textures are exported, model is huge, software has problems reading the resulting files.
I also tried the optimize() method to flatten static transformations and apply them to the nodes directly, but that does not seem to have any effect.
Can you give me any advice on how to export a model I changed in Vizard so I can have both the geometry, transformations and the materials available for any other program? Will this feature be functional in Vizard 5?
Currently, all export functionality seems to be broken.