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Using hotspots to enable opening doors
Hello, I have a question about hotspots. How is it possible to use a hotspot to enable someone to open a door?
What I'm looking for is for the player to walk up to a door, being right next to the door will enable him/her to actually use the command to open the door. My code is as follows: Code:
def onHotspot(id,x,y,z): if id == door: def mykeyboard(key): # If the user presses the e key do something if key == 'e': # Open the door door.runAction( vizact.spinto(0,1,0, -90, 30.0) ) viz.callback(viz.HOTSPOT_EVENT,onHotspot) Thanks in advance ![]() |
Also, just curious, is there a way to view the hotspots so as to make it easier to move them around?
you could set a variable that is true when one is inside or false when outside of the hotspot. Then if the door key is pressed and the value is true you open the door.
here is a link to some code that keeps track of whether you have entered or left a hotspot. it also draws a circle where one of the hotspots is. Look at the code at the end of the post http://www.worldviz.com/forum/showth...hlight=hotspot then you could add something like Code:
def onKeyDown(key): if key == 'e' and inHotspot == True: print "open the door" viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT,onKeyDown) |
Hi thank you for your response, I've tried what you said but it doesn't work still. Here is what I tried:
import viz viz.go() SAFE = 1 UNSAFE = 2 TARGET = 3 CIRCLE_X = -3.5 CIRCLE_Z = 3.4 CIRCLE_RADIUS = 0.5 def handlemyhotspots(id,x,y,z): if id == SAFE: print 'inside safe zone' def mykeyboard(key): if key == 'e': door.runAction( vizact.spinto(0,1,0, -90, 30.0) ) viz.clearcolor(1,1,1) viz.starthotspot(UNSAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_OUT,0,3,2.4,6) elif id == UNSAFE: print 'outside safe zone' viz.clearcolor(0,0,0) viz.starthotspot(SAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_IN,0,3,2.4,6) elif id == TARGET: print 'at target' viz.callback(viz.HOTSPOT_EVENT, handlemyhotspots) viz.starthotspot(UNSAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_OUT,0,3,2.4,6) viz.starthotspot(TARGET,viz.CIRCLE_HOTSPOT_IN,CIRCLE_X,CIRCLE_Z,CIRCLE_RADIUS) import math viz.startlayer(viz.LINES) viz.linewidth(3) viz.vertexcolor(viz.RED) viz.vertex(CIRCLE_X,0,CIRCLE_Z) viz.vertex(CIRCLE_X,2,CIRCLE_Z) viz.startlayer(viz.LINE_LOOP) for a in range(0,360,10): x = math.sin(viz.radians(a))*CIRCLE_RADIUS z = math.cos(viz.radians(a))*CIRCLE_RADIUS viz.vertex(x+CIRCLE_X,0.1,z+CIRCLE_Z) viz.endlayer() room=viz.add('room.wrl') viz.collision(viz.ON) door = room.getchild('door-FACES') import vizcam vizcam.FlyNavigate() def mykeyboard(key): if key == 'e' and id == SAFE: door.runAction( vizact.spinto(0,1,0, -90, 30.0) ) What do you think I should do for that? |
There are two problems with your code. First your mykeyboard function should not be inside of you handlemyhotspots function. You also need a viz.callback line. Try the following code.
Once you enter the safe zone the variable openDoor will be set to true. When you leave the safe zone openDoor is set to false. When you press a key the onKeyDown function will be called. If openDoor is true and the keypressed is 'e' you will be able to open the door. Code:
import viz viz.go() viz.MainView.setPosition(0,1.8,-5) SAFE = 1 UNSAFE = 2 TARGET = 3 viz.add('tut_ground.wrl') CIRCLE_X = 0 CIRCLE_Z = 3 CIRCLE_RADIUS = 0.5 openDoor = False def handlemyhotspots(id,x,y,z): global openDoor if id == SAFE: print 'inside safe zone' openDoor = True viz.clearcolor(1,1,1) viz.starthotspot(UNSAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_OUT,0,3,2.4,6) elif id == UNSAFE: print 'outside safe zone' openDoor = False viz.clearcolor(0,0,0) viz.starthotspot(SAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_IN,0,3,2.4,6) elif id == TARGET: print 'at target' viz.callback(viz.HOTSPOT_EVENT, handlemyhotspots) viz.starthotspot(UNSAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_OUT,0,3,2.4,6) viz.starthotspot(TARGET,viz.CIRCLE_HOTSPOT_IN,CIRCLE_X,CIRCLE_Z,CIRCLE_RADIUS) import math viz.startlayer(viz.LINES) viz.linewidth(3) viz.vertexcolor(viz.RED) viz.vertex(CIRCLE_X,0,CIRCLE_Z) viz.vertex(CIRCLE_X,2,CIRCLE_Z) viz.startlayer(viz.LINE_LOOP) for a in range(0,360,10): x = math.sin(viz.radians(a))*CIRCLE_RADIUS z = math.cos(viz.radians(a))*CIRCLE_RADIUS viz.vertex(x+CIRCLE_X,0.1,z+CIRCLE_Z) viz.endlayer() def onKeyDown(key): if key == 'e' and openDoor == True: print "open the door" viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT,onKeyDown) |
It worked like a charm, thanks!
...Do you know of a way that one can bind an avatar to the viewpoint, and use the door in a way where, the user presses 'e' and sees the avatar's hand opening the door? If not, that's okay, this will do perfectly. |
You can link the viewpoint to the avatar and manipulate the arm bone so it moves to the doorknob. Here's an example using a link with an offset so the viewpoint is behind the avatar. When the avatar stops moving he raises his arm.
import viz viz.go() viz.add('court.ive') avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg') link = viz.link(avatar, viz.MainView) link.preTrans([0,0,-2]) walk = vizact.walkTo([0,0,5]) armup = vizact.boneSpinTo('Bip01 R UpperArm', euler = [0,0,-75], speed = 45) avatar.addAction(walk) avatar.addAction(armup) |
Hmm... I'm having some difficulty combining this into an environment where there's a door to open. Here is my code so far:
import viz viz.go() SAFE = 1 UNSAFE = 0 RECTANGLE_X = -4 RECTANGLE_Z = 3.4 RECTANGLE_WIDTH = 0.5 openDoor = False dooropen = False walk = vizact.walkTo([-3.5,0,3.5]) def handlemyhotspots(id,x,y,z): global openDoor if id == SAFE: openDoor = True print 'Door can be opened' viz.starthotspot(UNSAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_OUT,RECTANGLE_X,RECTANGLE_Z,RECTANGLE_WIDTH,1) if id == UNSAFE: openDoor = False print 'Door can not be opened' viz.starthotspot(SAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_IN,RECTANGLE_X,RECTANGLE_Z,RECTANGLE_WIDTH,1) viz.callback(viz.HOTSPOT_EVENT, handlemyhotspots) viz.starthotspot(SAFE,viz.RECTANGLE_HOTSPOT_IN,RECTANGLE_X,RECTANGLE_Z,RECTANGLE_WIDTH,1) #viz.starthotspot(TARGET,viz.CIRCLE_HOTSPOT_IN,CIRCLE_X,CIRCLE_Z,CIRCLE_RADIUS) room=viz.add('room.wrl') viz.collision(viz.ON) door = room.getchild('door-FACES') import vizcam vizcam.FlyNavigate() avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg') link = viz.link(avatar, viz.MainView) link.preTrans([0,0,.1]) armup = vizact.boneSpinTo('Bip01 R UpperArm', euler = [0,0,-75], speed = 45) avatar.addAction(walk) avatar.addAction(armup) def mykeyboard(key): global dooropen if key == 'e' and openDoor == True: door.runAction( vizact.spinto(0,1,0, -90, 30.0) ) dooropen = True avatar.action(armup) #Further help: http://www.worldviz.com/vizhelp/commands/viz/starthotspot.htm # if dooropen == True: # print 'The door is open' # if key == 'e' and openDoor == True and dooropen == True: # door.runAction(vizact.spinto(0,1,0,0,30.0) ) #Need to be able to close door as well, for concept. #after door is opened, dooropen = True #if key == 'e' and dooropen == True: #door.runAction( vizact.spinto(0,1,0,0,30.0) ) viz.callback(viz.KEYBOARD_EVENT,mykeyboard) avatar.disable(viz.INTERSECTION) Thanks again for sticking around and helping me a bit through this. |
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