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Old 07-03-2011, 10:39 PM
hachilab hachilab is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 3
Thank you Jeff.

It works for 'spin'.
Infact, I was tring to change the position of an object/avatar.

import viz
import vizact

ground = viz.add('roughground.wrl')
ball = viz.add('ball.wrl'),1,0)
move = vizact.walkTo([1,ground,1], walkAnim = None, walkSpeed = 0.5)
vizact.onkeydown('1', ball.addAction, move)

I tried to move the ball along a rough surface. However, using above lines, the ball was not "above" but "partially inside" the ground. I tried to set the level of the ball by [1,gound+1,1], but it seems an invalid command. So, I tried to set the "built-in position" by ",1,0)". It doesn't work. Sorry for the confusion.

Best Regards
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