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Wehrdo 06-29-2011 01:30 PM

Normal Map Light
1 Attachment(s)
I have been trying to use normal maps in Vizard with the command


When I do this, the object becomes normal mapped, but light no longer affects it. For example, when running the following code, the cube is fully lit, but if I leave out the last line, the cube is dark like it should be.


import viz
import vizcam

cube = viz.add("bump_test.dae")

norm_map = viz.add("bump.jpg")

The same goes for adding lights. They do not light the normal mapped object. I have attached the files referenced in the above code.

Is this a bug, or is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for you help!

Wehrdo 07-06-2011 06:45 AM

Do I need to explain the problem better, or is everybody just as stumped as I am?

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