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suwan116 05-08-2011 11:29 AM

Import 3DS to Vizard

Im new to Vizard so im a total noob! lol.

Basically i wanted to import a residential property i developed in 3ds max to vizard. I exported the .IVE file, but im not sure how to open it. I downloaded Vizard 3.0 (i hope this was the right one) from there website, but how do i import it?

Please could you help

Jeff 05-09-2011 01:28 PM

To load a .ive model you exported use the viz.addChild command in your script:

myModel = viz.addChild('model.ive')
Using the code above the .ive file should be in the same directory as the script to be found.

Also, download the Vizard 4 Beta to use the Inspector tool. That allows you to view Vizard compatible models without running a script.

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