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uncleseano 04-17-2013 04:16 AM

Collision Help
Heya I need help trying to get a ball to collide properly with a box and print out a generic statement. Need help badly thanks

boxes = []
balls = []

for i in range(GRID_WIDTH):
for j in range(GRID_HEIGHT):
#Add a box model
box = viz.add('box.wrl',cache=viz.CACHE_CLONE)
#Use the boxes bounding box for collisions
#Add the box to the list

for x in range(MAX_BALLS):
#Add a ball model
ball = viz.add('ball.wrl',scale=(3,3,3),cache=viz.CACHE_C LONE)
#The balls collision will be represented by the bounding sphere of the ball
ball.enable( viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY )
#Add the body to the list

#Create a generator this will loop through the balls
nextBall = viz.cycle(balls)

breakerBox = viz.add('box.wrl')

greenBox = viz.add('boxee.wrl')
#greenBox.enable( viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY )

#This function is called when a collision occurs
def ballBoxCollision(e):
if ball.intersect == greenBox.intersect:
print 'collision'
#if e.ball in balls == ground:

viz.callback( viz.COLLIDE_BEGIN_EVENT, ballBoxCollision )

Jeff 04-18-2013 10:37 AM

Please post code using the code tags to preserve the indentation. You can find out which Vizard nodes collided from the event object e passed to the collision callback function. Take a look at the Event Reference page for more information.

If viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY is enabled on the balls you can check to see if e.obj2 is the greenBox and you'll know a ball collided with it.

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