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Notch 09-01-2014 03:31 PM

Detecting collision with on-the-fly object
I have generated on-the-fly cylinders using vizshape.addCylinder(). I would like to detect collisions with a specific cylinder.

I am able to detect collisions with objects using viz.callback(viz.COLLISION_EVENT,onCollision). I can get the name of the object collided with by using the following code:


def onCollision(info):
        print('Collided with object',info.object)

Although this returns something like "Collided with object viz.VizPrimitive(9)", but I have way knowing what 'VizPrimitive(9)' is. I have several objects in the scene, and ideally would like to add names to the objects at the time they are created, so that I can then work out what I'm colliding with later on.

How do I name on-the-fly objects, and how do I then get the name of the object when a collision occurs?

Jeff 09-08-2014 02:51 PM

You can check to see if info.object matches the name assigned to the cylinder:


import viz
import vizshape


dojo = viz.addChild('dojo.osgb')
cylinder = vizshape.addCylinder(pos=[0,1.8,4])

def onCollision(info):
        if info.object == cylinder:
                print 'Collided with cylinder'


Notch 09-09-2014 04:41 AM

Thanks very much. It looks like what I hadn't appreciated is that it is not possible to explicitly name objects (with a string), but instead I needed to follow the handle to the object.

Got it all working now :)

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