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haohaoxuexi1 06-29-2016 06:20 AM

question about BUTTON_EVENT
checkbox = viz.addCheckbox(pos=(0.5,0.5,0))

def onButton(obj,state):
if obj == checkbox:
if state == viz.DOWN:
print 'Checked'


checkbox2 = viz.addCheckbox(pos=(0.5,0.5,0))

def onButton1(obj,state):
if obj == checkbox2:
if state == viz.DOWN:
print 'Checked'


when i write the code as above, why is the system only execute the later BUTTON_EVENT but not both of them?

If i have two checkbox, should i put the judging condition in the same function?

Jeff 06-29-2016 09:20 AM

I think this is expected behavior when two buttons are stacked on top of each other. What is the reason for having two buttons in the same position?

You could use the vizact.onbuttondown command and register a callback function for each button.

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