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Chrissy2009 07-13-2009 10:09 AM

Create Button or Text

I want to create buttons and text in my different scenes.

Therefore I want to use the GUI of Vizard. So I right-click on the window 'resources' and choose 'Add Button'. Afterthat I enter a name and click ok.

Now the Button is created and I can use it in my Button_Event. That works fine.

But is it possible to define the scene of the button. Or if I create an text, the same way. How can I define the scene, where the button or text will be placed??

If I create the button or text directly in the code like

myButton = viz.add(viz.BUTTON)
then I can define the scene.

But is it also possible to define the scene over the gui?

farshizzo 07-15-2009 05:34 PM

No you cannot define the scene within the GUI. However, you can reparent the node to a different scene within your script. Example code:


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