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NI_LAB 06-26-2012 06:14 AM

Failed to load plug-in: 'immersion.dle'
Hi all,
I have just this one line in my code:

immersion = viz.add('immersion.dle')

but I get this error

************************************************** ****************************
** Loading
************************************************** ****************************
** ERROR: Failed to load plug-in: 'immersion.dle'
** Load Time: 0.00 seconds

If I try to do this:
vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle')
everything works fine, and both files are in the same folder.

What am I doing wrong?:confused:

farshizzo 06-27-2012 01:11 PM

Do you have Immersion's VirtualHand SDK installed on your system? It is required for the plugin to load.

NI_LAB 07-02-2012 06:52 AM

Thank you for your post.

But unfortunately I have installed the SDK, and still it does not work?!? :confused:

Any other ideas? :)

Jeff 07-06-2012 03:41 AM

Which version of the VirtualHand SDK is installed, is it the latest one?

NI_LAB 07-31-2012 06:33 AM

Hi again,

ok so after a while we tried this glove again.

We are making progress, but it still does not work.

What is working now:
- the DCU shows the cybertouch glove and its movements correctly
- in the DCU we can do the test stuff and the vibrators all work fine
- we can load the immersion.dle now (I installed the latest update VirtualHandSDKSetupV2_10.exe of the SDK from this site

The problem:
- When adding this line

glove = immersion.addCyberTouch()

we get this error:

************************************************** ********
** Loading
************************************************** ********
immersion.dle Immersion Extension
** ERROR: Failed to connect to CyberTouch. Make sure Device Manager is running.
Initialization Failure NETWORK: APPEARS TO BE DISCONNECTED(-101) for C:\Program Files (x86)\Immersion Corporation\VirtualHand\

** ERROR: Failed to create extension sensor with immersion.dle
** Load Time: 0.23 seconds

The DCU is running, it shows a glove.

Could it lie in the fact that we use 32bit-Vizard, but only have 64bit-Virtual Hand SDK? If so, how can we solve it?

We have installed the VirtualHand SDK from the CD in this folder:
C:\Program Files\CyberGlove Systems\VirtualHand SDK

but the update installed itself into this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Immersion Corporation\VirtualHand.

NI_LAB 07-31-2012 06:39 AM

Ah and the version of the SDK is 3.1.1 (64bit)

farshizzo 08-03-2012 04:36 PM

Are you using a glove from Immersion or CyberGlove Systems?

If you are using a CyberGlove Systems glove, then you need to use the cyberglove.dle extension, instead of immersion.dle. Also, if you are running on a 64-bit machine, things get a little more complicated. You need to install the 64-bit drivers for the glove. However, Vizard is a 32-bit program, so you also need to manually place the 32-bit CyberGlove SDK DLLs (CGS_VirtualHandDevice.dll, CGS_VirtualHandCore.dll, etc...) in your Vizard script directory.

NI_LAB 10-09-2012 03:45 AM

We are using a CyberGlove Systems CyberTouch glove.
Ok so I uninstalled everything again to clean everything up, there were 32bit and 64bit versions of the SDKs installed. I use the cyberglove.dle extension now, and I installed the 64bit glove drivers from the CD. I placed the SDK DLLs from
C:\Program Files\CyberGlove Systems\VirtualHand SDK\lib\winnt_386\Release
into the same directory where my .py file is, but now I again get the error

** ERROR: Failed to load plug-in: 'CyberGlove.dle'

But why? DCU is running, glove is shown and works perfectly fine, also the vibrator test. Just in vizard it does not work?!
Do I have to install the 32bit SDK again? But then that is version 2.10, and now I have 3.1.1. Or maybe I just placed the wrong DLLs in my script folder or so?


Originally Posted by farshizzo (Post 14072)
Are you using a glove from Immersion or CyberGlove Systems?

If you are using a CyberGlove Systems glove, then you need to use the cyberglove.dle extension, instead of immersion.dle. Also, if you are running on a 64-bit machine, things get a little more complicated. You need to install the 64-bit drivers for the glove. However, Vizard is a 32-bit program, so you also need to manually place the 32-bit CyberGlove SDK DLLs (CGS_VirtualHandDevice.dll, CGS_VirtualHandCore.dll, etc...) in your Vizard script directory.

NI_LAB 10-16-2012 02:13 AM

No ideas? ==( :confused: :)

NI_LAB 10-23-2012 02:15 AM

Ok it works now. I now use the 32bit version of the SDK.

anand.yadav 03-11-2019 11:46 AM

Hello there, I am living in 2019 and facing the same problem. It is working perfectly in DCU not in vizard.
In my case virtual hand drivers are 64-bit and vizard is also of 64-bit.
After virtual hand driver installation DLL files are saved in vizard's directory automatically no manual work.
Still I am getting error message:

** ERROR: Failed to connect to CyberGlove. Make sure Device Manager is running.

** ERROR: Failed to create extension sensor with CyberGlove.dle

Any suggestion what to try to get it sorted!!

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