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viz 02-03-2015 01:59 AM

Script does not terminate

I am using Tkinter, whenever I close any window the script remains running and it does not terminate.

This is a huge issue for me any solutions?


Jeff 02-03-2015 07:48 AM

Take a look at this thread for an example script that embeds the Vizard window in a Tk application.

viz 02-04-2015 01:27 AM


I am not facing coding issues with Tkinter I am able to use it, the problem is that any script that uses Tkinter does not terminate when I close the script.


willpower2727 04-06-2015 06:56 AM

Yes I'm having the same problem. It seems that calling root.destroy() should terminate the tkinter mainloop. However in Vizard mine keeps running regardless. Not even sys.exit() does anything

Jeff 04-09-2015 05:49 PM

Can you post an example script that replicates the issue for you?

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