View Full Version : problems loading some wrl file's (separator error?)

12-12-2006, 09:40 PM
Hi everyone,

I have a very basic problem. I am trying to load wrl files provided to me from an external source. I believe solid works was used to create this object. The wrl files in the vizard examples all load successfully.

For some reason i cannot load it within vizard the error states:

* Error: Failed to load spring.wrl at line 2
--> Separator
** ERROR: Failed to load 'spring.wrl'

I'm only using a simple example to import the object.

import viz
spring = viz.add('spring.wrl')

Please post your suggestions i would really appreciate it.

Thanks, Alyssa.

12-13-2006, 08:49 AM
The line about "Separator" leads me to believe you have a VRML 1.0 file. Vizard only loads VRML 2.0 files. Is it possible to export it to that format instead?