View Full Version : help with mouse as tracker position

11-10-2015, 01:40 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm using a trackball mouse for navigation and i want that the mouse will act as a tracker position in order to link it to the main view (to set the point of view of the user according to the mouse). I need to get the x and z coordinates of the mouse constantly while maintaining the y coordinate fixed to 1.8. The reason for using a tracker is because i want to initiate different starting position with randint methode.
I saw an explanation about vizconnent but i didn't understand exacly how to use it and i'm not sure it can resolve my problem.

Thanks in advance and have a nice week.

11-10-2015, 03:33 PM
You could get the mouse position every frame using viz.mouse.getPosition() (http://docs.worldviz.com/vizard/#commands/viz/mouse/getPosition.htm) and multiply the values returned by some scale factor to simulate position data.

11-15-2015, 12:37 AM
Thanks for your help but i also need a function similar to getPosition that will give me an information about the z coordinate of the mouse so i don't understand how does the getPoition methode can solve my problem.
I found in vizconnect a tracker "mouse speen wheel" but according to the information provided by the vizconnect the x coordinate is replaced by the x coordinate. Is there any tracker in vizconnect or another methode in viz.mouse that can give x,y,z coordinates?

11-15-2015, 12:56 AM
Thanks Jeff but the getPosition methode provide information about the x&y coordinates but not on the z coordinate. Is there any methode or tracker that provide information of x&y&z coordinates?

11-16-2015, 03:32 PM
The ScrollWheel tracker included with the vizconnect library returns Z position data. This could be combined with the X and Y data returned from the viz.mouse.getPosition() function:

import viz
import vizact

from vizconnect.util.virtual_trackers import ScrollWheel
mouseTracker = ScrollWheel(scaleVelocityWithDistance=True, extensionAccel=100, debug=False)

def printData():
print mouseTracker.getPosition()
