View Full Version : Printing Joystick Positions to a Datafile for Multiple Joysticks

03-25-2015, 01:12 PM
Hi all,

I am an experimental psychologist who uses Vizard (big fan) for testing of perception action coupling. I am interesting in making a joint action paradigm, where two users are able to control a brake while speeding towards three stop signs. Thankfully, I figured out how to add a second joystick to our paradigm, so that two users can simultaneously control execution of the same action, using joy1 and joy2.

My main question concerns the printing of joystick position to the datafile. Can this be simultaneously done for two joysticks, say, in two separate columns? Right now we will have the cumulative velocity/positional/visual angle info, but that will be for the camera position (combined input of the two joysticks) and not the actual action taken with each joystick. Wondering if it was possible, and if so how to code and print out, the x position of each joystick at given time intervals.

My code (in a .txt) is attached if that would be helpful to look at. If you would like to use it or are curious about the associated experiment, please email me at Ian.Ruginski@psych.utah.edu.

Any help that you can provide would be much appreciated!

03-27-2015, 02:54 AM

you can do that by defining a function and calling that function repeatedly at a give rate with the vizard <ontimer> function. See my quick example below.

import viz
import vizact

def writeJoystickPosition():

joyData1 = joy1.getPosition()
joyData2 = joy2.getPositio()

here some lines to write it to a file....

logJoystick = vizact.ontimer(0,writeJoystickPosition) # start the function


If you start ontimer with a 0, it will call the function each frame. You can also put in other values, e.g. 1 would mean every second.

04-06-2015, 10:34 AM

you can do that by defining a function and calling that function repeatedly at a give rate with the vizard <ontimer> function. See my quick example below.

import viz
import vizact

def writeJoystickPosition():

joyData1 = joy1.getPosition()
joyData2 = joy2.getPositio()

here some lines to write it to a file....

logJoystick = vizact.ontimer(0,writeJoystickPosition) # start the function


If you start ontimer with a 0, it will call the function each frame. You can also put in other values, e.g. 1 would mean every second.

Thanks a ton! I really appreciate the thoughtful and clear response. I'm going to work on implementing this today.