View Full Version : Vicon Data smoothing

12-09-2013, 01:47 AM
Hi guys,
first the facts:
- I combined an HMD with Vicon-Tracker ('vrpn7.dle') via Vizard. That works really good.
- if the subject moves with the HMD it gets the same motion displayed on the HMD. This works also good
But now the problem the output is really shaky/wobbly when moving. So is there a possibility to smooth/round up the incoming vicon data from:
[0.04924468696117401, 0.5773015022277832, -0.018296783789992332]
[179.3428955078125, -69.40995025634766, 88.83070373535156]
[0.0, 0.5, -0.1]
[179.3, -69.4, 88.8]
Just cutting of everything after the first digit after the point (cut the decimal place)?

Thanks a lot,


Frank Verberne
12-09-2013, 07:30 AM
Hi Patrick,

Rounding off is pretty easy:
numbers = [179.3428955078125, -69.40995025634766, 88.83070373535156]
for i, number in enumerate(numbers):
numbers[i] = round(number,1)

print numbers

However, I don't know if that will result in smoother tracking, because the coordinates will not be on a continuum. However, you can always try :).

Another option to smooth your tracking would be to (re)calibrate your tracker, or to decrease the distance from your tracker to your tracking device. Good luck!

01-15-2014, 06:22 AM

Do you use the Smoothing Option in Vicon Tracker? You can find it in the advanced Settings of you Vicon System.

Hope that helps!

01-22-2014, 01:36 AM
Yes, I tried the Tracker smoothing, but when I increase the smoothing in the Tracker the movement gets a delay. And I thought it might just help to round the incoming data with vizard. Because it would just help if Vizard uses [3.2] instead of the incoming [3.21545684878712479] (as an x position example)...

03-17-2014, 07:08 AM

I'm using the Tracker at about 240Hz and the smoothing is set to 3. It feels pretty good. The latency is something between 25 and 40ms. Could you descirbe shaking and wobling a little more. If the calibration is not right and I have a lot of ghosts in the tracking the coordinatesystems start to change from one frame to another and it gets shaky. Means the world suddenly turn 40 degreas etc...