View Full Version : 3D sound from talking avatars?

08-04-2010, 09:35 PM

I was wondering if there was a simple way to do 3D sound with talking avatars using the vizact.speak command. Currently, when an avatar is speaking using this command the sound is not directional.

If there was a way to mute the speech sound while the lips were still moving, I could just use the <node3d>.playsound() to project it from the avatar. Any way to alter the wav volume from the vizact.speak command?

08-04-2010, 09:58 PM
Figured it out.

If anyone else needs to make the sound from the talking avatars project from them, just open up vizact.py from the vizard\python folder and change the following line:

if sync:
self.audio = viz.addAudio(self.filename)


if sync:
self.audio = object.playsound(self.filename)

can also add self.audio.volume() to adjust volume.

Adjusting the resync time (default = 5 seconds) to 1 second also helps lips stay synchronized much better (that part is a couple of lines down).