View Full Version : Simple Joystick Question

06-04-2010, 05:32 AM
Hi all,

I have a question concerning the joystick buttons which is probably rather easy to be answered: How can I make my script to wait for the user to press one of the two buttons of a connected joystick.

My guess was:

import viz
import vizjoy
import viztask


joystick = vizjoy.add()

def WaitForButtonPress():
yield viztask.waitButtonDown(None)
print "Done."

viztask.schedule( WaitForButtonPress() )

It works fine if one replaces the "Button" by "Key" in the yield-expression, so I would have expected it to run for the joystick buttons as well. However, it does not, so what works?

06-04-2010, 12:50 PM
The viztask.waitButtonDown command waits for a GUI button object to be pressed. To wait for a joystick button press in your task function you can create a custom condition. The task function in the following example waits for either buttons 1 or 2 to be pressed before it continues:
import viz
import viztask
import vizjoy

joystick = vizjoy.add()

def buttonTask():

d = viz.Data()
waitButton1 = waitJoyButtonDown(joystick,1)
waitButton2 = waitJoyButtonDown(joystick,2)

yield viztask.waitAny([waitButton1,waitButton2],d)

if d.condition is waitButton1:
print 'button 1 was pressed'
print 'button 2 was pressed'


class waitJoyButtonDown( viztask.Condition ):
def __init__( self, joy, button ):
self._joy = joy
self._button = button

def update( self ):
return self._joy.isButtonDown(self._button)

viztask.schedule( buttonTask() )

06-07-2010, 07:06 AM
Hi Jeff,

thanks for the clarification on the viztask.waitButtonDown command and also for your code which works fine for me! :)