View Full Version : Controlling User Input

03-14-2010, 07:25 AM

I'm using viz.input() to get some user input.
I've got 2 questions about it :

a. I want the user to input a value within someTime seconds or else I want to give it a default value. Assigning my default value is easy but after someTime has passed the input box is still on the screen... is there a function to make it disappear?

b. Is there a way to set the location of the input box? It is currently in the middle of the screen and it would be preferable if it could be at the lower end of the screen.

Many thanks again :-)


03-15-2010, 05:16 PM
You cannot make the box disappear before the user closes it and the box is set in the center.

Have you tried using a vizinfo box instead? You can control its visibility or remove it and set it's position on the screen.