View Full Version : screenshots using a loop

09-09-2009, 03:45 AM
Hi all,

can somebody help me? I have troubles with my program.
I'm busy writing a small script which is basically a loop where an object rotates in after the rotation it has to make a screenshot of it and store it on the disk with the objects name and rotation degree.

The loop works perfectly it prints out what it has to save on the disk but it doesn't save (well it saves only the last screenshot).

Do I have to approach this differently?

Thanks for your help!

import viz



view = viz.get(viz.MAIN_VIEWPOINT)
view.translate(12.416062355041504, 4.3263897895812988, 0)

s = viz.add(r"scissors.wrl")
co = viz.add(r"canopener.ive")
c1 = viz.add(r"cubes_01.wrl")
c2 = viz.add(r"cubes_02.wrl")
c3 = viz.add(r"cubes_03.wrl")

objects = [s,co,c1,c2,c3]
objectStrings = ["scissors","canOpener","cubes01","cubes02","cubes03"]

for i in objects :

degreesY = [0,60,120,180,240,300]
degreesZ = [0,60,300]
degreesX = [0,180]

for obj in objects :
if obj == s :
object = objectStrings[0]
elif obj == co :
object = objectStrings[1]
elif obj == c1 :
object = objectStrings[2]
elif obj == c2 :
object = objectStrings[3]
elif obj == c3 :
object = objectStrings[4]
for degree in range(0, len(degreesX)) :
for i in range(0, len(degreesZ)) :
for j in range(0, len(degreesY)) :
obj.rotate(degreesX[degree], degreesY[j], degreesZ[i])
viz.window.screenCapture('pictures\\' + object + '_' + str(degreesX[degree]) + '_' + str(degreesY[j]) + '_' + str(degreesZ[i]) + '.bmp')
print "Created: " + object + "_" + str(degreesX[degree]) + "_" + str(degreesY[j]) + "_" + str(degreesZ[i]) + ".bmp"

09-09-2009, 12:12 PM
You should use the viztask module to generate screenshots within a loop. Simply yield one frame in between screenshots and they should all be saved correctly. Here is a sample script:import viz
import viztask

model = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg',pos=(0,1,3))

def ScreenShotTask():

for x in range(10):

#Rotate model

#Request screen capture at end of frame

#Wait for frame
yield None

viztask.schedule( ScreenShotTask() )

09-14-2009, 02:20 AM
Thank you so much, this saves a tons of time!