View Full Version : optic flow / stickyDot display code?

07-13-2009, 01:37 PM
I'd like to create a simple optic flow stimulus in vizard (e.g., white dots on black background) when the observer is moving - is there a sample script to do that? I used a sticky dot display in vizard several years ago (in 2005, it worked fine) but cannot seem to find the right piece of code any more, and the links on the worldviz site seem to have disappeared... (it was called something like stickydot.dls or .py I think)


07-16-2009, 01:06 PM
Well, I was finally able to find an old version of the stickydots.dlc file, but it doesn't load as a plugin in vizard 3.0 any more for whatever reason and it also turns out that it might not be the right tool for displaying limited lifetime dots (as it projects the dots on a surface of a given model, if i understand it correctly - but I'd like to have the dots randomly distribute around the observer if possible).

any ideas/suggestions would be highly welcome...
Anybody out there who used/programmed a limited lifetime dot display and might be willing to share?


07-20-2009, 09:46 AM
Email me at lashkari@worldviz.com and I will provide you with a version of the plugin that works with Vizard 3.0.