View Full Version : vizard quit automatically in full screen stereo mode

09-10-2008, 05:21 PM
:)Now i have met a technical question when i test
the stereo rendering . I first enable the nvidia driver's stereo
output . Then I can use Viz.go(Viz.prompt) to set to stereo mode in
the starting dialog . But When i press F2 to swith to full screen
mode , the programe quit automatically . The version of Vizard is
3.10.0059 . I do not know why , i remember it is OK when i test the
previous version at evaluation mode .

anyone can help me ? thanks

09-11-2008, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the post. Sorry, we have not had time to answer yet. We will respond tomorrow or early next week.

09-13-2008, 05:27 AM
I use the Nvidia Quadro 3700 display card and Vizard enterprise . It is OK when i test it with Quadro 1400 and Geforce6800 GT Ultra . And in all cases i use the Nvidia driver 91.36 and its stereo driver .

I do not why the 3700 can not work .

09-15-2008, 09:51 AM
Do you get the same results if you do not go through the prompt.
What happens if you use

viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN | viz.STEREO)