View Full Version : addface problem

03-06-2008, 03:37 AM
i tried creating a face using the procedure explained in the tutorial
(3dmenow - 3dmax -peoplemaker - vizard)
i managed to create a seemingly normal *.vzf file - in the 3d subwindow
in vizard, it looks just fine
the problem is that after executing the following code

import viz
male = viz.add('resources/characters/NudeMale8/nude08_m_highpoly.cfg')
face = viz.addFace( 'resources/faces/shahar.vzf' )
male.setFace( face, 'Bip01 Head', 'Bip01 Neck' )

then instead of having the original face changed , i just get a giant static
distorted background image of the face.

where did i go wrong?

03-06-2008, 03:57 AM
well after playing with it a bit more, i found out it has something to do
with people maker, and not autoscaling it in the right way.

which leads me to anothe problem - when i press the autoscale button
in people maker, the face disappears completely - why does this happen and how can i fix this?


03-06-2008, 04:00 AM
i found out that pressing the spacebar after autoscaling fixes this.
hope no-one has read my monologue :)