View Full Version : Strange Speak animation and VRML rendering

04-19-2007, 10:03 AM

I have been working with the Vizard 3 RC1 in the last couple of days and I run into some problems I can't solve.

1. If I try to get the agent to speak, her lips are displaying a strange animation, like this:


2. When I import the following VRML file, which is rotating a picture, one quarter of the picture gets brighter, and if I resize it in the wrl file, I can only see this bright part at all:


I tried it with Viard v2, but it does the same. I am working on a MacBook, which uses Intel GMA 950 graphics processor. Other OpenGL applications are working out fine.

Could you help me to solve this problem?

Best regards,
Zoltan Toth
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

The VRML file:
#VRML V2.0 utf8

DEF forog Transform {
translation 5 0 -20
rotation 0 0 1 0
children [
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
texture ImageTexture { url "f2.jpg"}

geometry Box {
size 40 40 1

DEF forgato OrientationInterpolator {key [0 0.25 0.5 0.75]
keyValue [
0 0 1 0,
0 0 1 1.57,
0 0 1 3.14,
0 0 1 4.71

DEF idozito TimeSensor {cycleInterval 10
loop TRUE

ROUTE idozito.fraction_changed TO forgato.set_fraction
ROUTE forgato.value_changed TO forog.set_rotation

Where f2.gif is a ~2000px x 2000px picture

And my script is:

import viz

def mykey(key):
speak = vizact.speak('c:\\Temp\\talk.wav',1.0,'mouth_open' )



#for the second picture:
frac1 = viz.add("rotfractal1.wrl");

av = viz.add('female.cfg', pos=(0,0.15,7), euler=(180,0,0) )

04-19-2007, 10:20 AM

1) This looks like a scaling issue. When generating the speech action, scale down the morphing by using a smaller number as the second parameter:speak = vizact.speak('c:\\Temp\\talk.wav',0.001,'mouth_ope n')

2) I tried the VRML file with my own texture and it worked fine. Could the brightness you see be part of the texture you are using?

04-19-2007, 10:24 AM
Thank you, the speak works perfect now. I will check out the second problem again, and if it won't work out, I will try to provide you a very concrete example. The brightness of the texture is okay, and if I scale it with ~2.5 it works fine.

Thank you again
Zoltan Toth