View Full Version : Problems with import of fbx avatars into vizard

12-10-2014, 08:20 AM

We are creating virtual avatars from motion capture data in motionbuilder (version 2014) and want to import the fbx files into vizard (version 4). We found an old (2005) tutorial (http://delta3d.org/article.php?story=20051013131730492) on how to export files from maya version 8 into vizard. However, this does not work with the current version of maya.

How do we import avatars from maya (2014) into vizard (4)?


12-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Vizard supports avatars in the Cal3D format and a workflow through 3ds Max. The Cal3D exporter for Max is available from the WorldViz download (http://www.worldviz.com/download/index.php?id=9) page. This Cal3D tutorial (http://cal3d.sourceforge.net/modeling/tutorial.html) describes how to use the exporter.