View Full Version : Avatar eye contact with user as it moves

02-13-2013, 11:15 AM
I am looking at the sample WatchNode code. I removed the ball code and changed the nodeToLookAt in line 74 to viz.MainView. I also changed the avatar's state to (1). This makes the avatar's head follow me as I move around, which is the first thing I want. However, I seem to keep failing when I try to then make the avatar move/walkTo somewhere while still looking at me. I am missing something small here but that's b/c I am a newbie I am sure. Thanks for the help.

import viz
import vizact


class WatchNodeAction(viz.ActionClass):
"""Makes avatar head follow node object around"""

def begin(self,object):
"""Called once when action starts"""

#Get the node the avatar should look at
self.nodeToLookAt = self._actiondata_.data[0]
#Get time the avatar will look at object
self.duration = self._actiondata_.data[1]
self.headBone = self._actiondata_.data[2]
self.blendIn = self._actiondata_.data[3]

self.timeElapsed = 0

#Get the head bone and lock it
self.head = object.getbone(self.headBone)

self.startQuat = self.head.getQuat()

def update(self,elapsed,object):
"""Called every frame to update action"""

self.timeElapsed += elapsed #time avatar has looked at node

p = self.timeElapsed / self.blendIn

#If looking for a finite duration, check if time has passed
if self.duration > 0.0 and self.timeElapsed > self.duration:
#duration passed, end action
self.head.lookAt( self.nodeToLookAt.getPosition(), 0, viz.AVATAR_WORLD )
self.end(object) #End the action and clear it from the action queue

elif p < 1.0:
#blend in head look
self.head.lookAt( self.nodeToLookAt.getPosition(), 0, viz.AVATAR_WORLD )
targetQuat = self.head.getQuat()

nextQuad = vizmat.slerp(self.startQuat,targetQuat,p)

#Done with blend in, just look at node
self.head.lookAt(self.nodeToLookAt.getPosition(), 0, viz.AVATAR_WORLD)

def end(self,object):
if self.head:

#Function to construct the action instance
def watchNode( nodeToLookAt, duration = viz.FOREVER, headBone = 'Bip01 Head', blendIn = .2 ):
action = viz.ActionData()
action.data = [ nodeToLookAt, duration, headBone, blendIn ]
action.actionclass = WatchNodeAction
return action

viz.MainView.setPosition( 0, 0, 0 )

male = viz.add( 'vcc_male.cfg' )
male.setPosition( 0, -1.5, 2 )
male.setEuler( 180, 0, 0 )

#Apply the action to the avatar
male.addAction( watchNode(viz.MainView, viz.FOREVER) )

def endHeadWatch():
#blend head to neutral orientation
head = male.getBone('Bip01 Head')
headQuat = head.getQuat(viz.AVATAR_LOCAL)
head.setQuat(headQuat, viz.AVATAR_LOCAL)
male.addAction( vizact.headto( 0,0,0, 20, bone = 'Bip01 Head'), 1 )

vizact.onkeydown(' ',endHeadWatch)

03-01-2013, 12:23 PM
Your code is not applying a walkto action to the avatar. Where/when do you want the avatar to walk?