View Full Version : Link operations

09-13-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi all,

I have a Vizard program in which the Main View is linked to an Intersense tracking system, with a few operations already being applied to it. When a certain button is pushed, I need to automatically set the View back to a specific position and orientation. I have gotten the position working with a simple postTrans operation on the link.

The problem that I'm running into is the orientation. To describe my goal more specifically, I'm looking to reset the orientation of the View to face a specific direction, and also maintain consistency of direction of movement (i.e. forward is still forward, etc). A postEuler operation isn't cutting it. It will either throw off the position which the View is moved to (when I use a FULL_OP), or, if I only target the source orientation, the View will point in the right direction, however movement is then skewed, depending on the angle I was facing before hitting this reset button (so moving forward actually causes me to move right, or something to that effect). Given the way that pre and post operations work, this behavior makes sense.

What I'm looking for is an operation which will both affect only the orientation of the Main View, and also allow for movement to be carried out according to this new orientation. I cannot see a way to do it with Vizard's pre and post link operations, though I still feel that it must be possible. Does anyone have any suggestions?