View Full Version : using sensor.

03-11-2010, 05:38 PM
Hi worldviz
i want to use sensor of three.
so, i make a code following.

vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle')
tracker1 = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',0)
tracker2 = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',1)
tracker3 = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',2)

def update():
position1 = tracker1.getPosition()
position2 = tracker2.getPosition()
position3 = tracker3.getPosition()

a = position1[0]
a1 = position1[1]
a2 = position1[2]
#print a1
b = position2[0]
b1 = position2[1]
b2 = position2[2]
print b1
c = position3[0]
c1 = position3[1]
c2 = position3[2]
#print c1

but !! the location of sensor is frequently change.
How can i ??

03-12-2010, 10:03 AM
Sorry, I don't understand the question.

Please use code tags when posting code to preserve indentation

03-12-2010, 08:23 PM
I want to use the sensor of the three.
these sensors want to fixed number[A,B,C], (no value[x,y,z])

for example)

sensorA(fixed number) = (10,10,10) <-x,y,z (receive(change) value)
sensorB(fixed number) = (20,20,20) <-x,y,z (receive(change) value)
sensorC(fixed number) = (30,30,30) <-x,y,z (receive(change) value)

so, i am used this code.

vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle')
sensorA = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',0)
sensorB = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',1)
sensorC = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@',2)

def update():
position1 = sensorA.getPosition()
position2 = sensorB.getPosition()
position3 = sensorC.getPosition()

a = position1[0]
a1 = position1[1]
a2 = position1[2]

b = position2[0]
b1 = position2[1]
b2 = position2[2]

c = position3[0]
c1 = position3[1]
c2 = position3[2]

A = [a,0,a2]
B = [b,0,b2]
C = [c,0,c2]

# vector
v1 = vizmat.VectorToPoint(A,B)
v2 = vizmat.VectorToPoint(A,C)
v = vizmat.AngleBetweenVector(v1,v2)
UpperArm.setEuler([0, -30, -80])

print v


but , the sensor's number is frequently change.

for example)

sensorB = (10,10,10)
sensorA = (20,20,20)
sensorC = (30,30,30)
sensorC = (10,10,10)
sensorA = (20,20,20)
sensorB = (30,30,30)

How do i receive the fixed sensor's number?