View Full Version : Complete characters and heads

08-25-2009, 12:49 PM

I'm having trouble with attaching modeled heads to complete characters. The complete character/head seems to look fine from the front (and even partially around the side). But, when I look at the avatar from the back, the neck looks like it extends part way down the back. Basically the head seems to sit too far back on the avatar's neck bone.

Is there a simple fix for this?


08-27-2009, 10:09 AM
If you're using PeopleMaker then the best thing would be to translate the head there and that will affect how it attaches to the neck. Or you can provide an offset to the head position every frame, something like:
vizact.onupdate(viz.PRIORITY_LINKS+1,head.setPosit ion,0,0,0.02,viz.REL_LOCAL)