View Full Version : Linking and Intersense Question

07-23-2009, 08:02 AM

I have a box that is linked to a ppt. I also want that box to rotate with intersense. The problem is when I have the box lined to the ppt, intersense will not work. If I comment out the link between the box and ppt, the intersense works then. Is there a way around this so I can have both the link and the intersense.

If this is possible, can I only make the box rotate on one axis. IE:

def rotateBox():
x,y,z = int1.getEuler()

07-23-2009, 10:09 AM
You can use the following code to combine the position data of the PPT sensor with the orientation data from the Intersense sensor.tracker = viz.mergeLinkable(ppt,isense)Now you can use the tracker object as one 6DOF sensor.

Once you have linked the tracker to the box, you can use the link.setEuler() operator to control which axis the rotations are applied to. For example:boxLink = viz.link(tracker,box)
boxLink.setEuler([None,0,0]) #Keep yaw, but reset pitch and roll