View Full Version : How to build an environment

03-14-2009, 05:52 AM
Can anyone help me to buid a simple room with cieling lights and a center table with some parts like piston, bearing etc. lying on it. and then i want an avatar to pick one part and then assemble it with another part using his hands. and how can we move an avatar to a pre-defined path?
If there is some code please tell me that to do all the above stated things?

Thanx in advance.

03-16-2009, 10:10 AM
The room.wrl model that can be found in the Vizard30/tutorials/gettingstarted folder has ceiling lights. Maybe you could use that. This (http://www.worldviz.com/vizhelp/Finding_3D_objects_online.htm) page from the Vizard docs provides links to several sites for models online, where you could find a table model to add to your room. Many free ones are available

For assembling objects that have been picked try looking through tutorials and example scripts related to picking, linking, and grabbing. These will give you some ideas of how that would work.

If you want your avatar to walk along a certain path try using vizact.walkTo