View Full Version : Inheritance ambiguities

02-03-2009, 03:21 AM

I've derived from the "FlyNavigate" class to implement my own camera class.

I'm basically trying to split the "FlyNavigate::sensitivity" function up so that I can set move and turn speeds seperately.

So far i've got:

############# MyFlyNavigation Camera ###########

import viz
import vizcam

class MyFlyNavigation(vizcam.FlyNavigate):


def __init__(self):
# Default movement keys

# Only update the mouse movement if the left mouse has been clicked
def _camMouseMove(self,e):
if self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN == True:

def _camMouseDown(self,e):
if e.button == viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT:

def _camMouseUp(self,e):
self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = False

# Overidden to add a bit of logic
def _camUpdate(self,e):

mousePos = viz.mouse.getPosition(viz.WINDOW_PIXELS, True)
windowSize = viz.window.getSize()

# If the mouse cursor leaves the client window then
# don't bother updating the _camMouseMove parent function
if mousePos[0] <= 0:
self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = False
elif mousePos[0] >= windowSize[0]:
self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = False
elif mousePos[1] <= 0:
self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = False
elif mousePos[1] >= windowSize[1]:
self.MOUSE_LEFT_DOWN = False

def setMoveSensitivity(self, moveScale):
#vizcam.FlyNavigate.__moveScale = vizcam.FlyNavigate.MOVE_SPEED * moveScale
#vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, moveScale, 1.0)
self.__moveScale = self.MOVE_SPEED * moveScale

def setLookSensitivity(self, turnScale):
#vizcam.FlyNavigate.__turnScale = vizcam.FlyNavigate.MOVE_SPEED * turnScale
#vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, 1.0, turnScale)
self.__turnScale = self.MOVE_SPEED * turnScale

def getMoveSensitivity(self):
#return vizcam.FlyNavigate.__moveScale
return self.__moveScale

def getLookSensitivity(self):
#return vizcam.FlyNavigate.__turnScale
return self.__turnScale

Neither functions appear to work regardless of what "scope" I try and give to "__moveScale" or "__turnScale"...

Using "vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, 1.0, turnScale)" works until "vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, moveScale, 1.0)" is invoked, and vice versa.

I know this will be a simple mistake i'm doing for something so simple but can't seem to spot it...


02-06-2009, 03:03 PM
Sorry we have not had a chance to answer this yet. We'll get back to you early next week.

02-09-2009, 01:17 AM
That's ok, I gathered you guys are rather busy. Thanks for informing me.

02-10-2009, 11:25 AM
self.__moveScale and self.__turnScale are private to the FlyNavigate class and when you try to set those in your MyFlyNavigation class your are creating new instances of them and so the viewpoint is not affected.

When you call the sensitivity method it works
vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, 1.0, turnScale)
but by passing in a 1 you are re-setting the moveScale valueback to its original value

keep track of both moveScale and turnScale in your class and then pass them both to FlyNavigate.sensitivity
def __init__(self):
# Default movement keys
self.__moveScale = 1
self.__turnScale = 1
and then you can set each value individually and pass in the value set before
def setMoveSensitivity(self, moveScale):
self.__moveScale = moveScale
vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, self.__moveScale, self.__turnScale)

def setLookSensitivity(self, turnScale):
self.__turnScale = turnScale
vizcam.FlyNavigate.sensitivity(self, self.__moveScale, self.__turnScale)

02-11-2009, 12:24 AM
Thanks! :)