View Full Version : vizact.speak

07-07-2008, 12:33 AM
Hello. I am having problems making the mouth open more when an avatar is speaking. I am using the following code:

vizact.speak(speechfile,2.0, 'mouth_open', 2.0))

I thought this should amplify the lips by 2. It looks like they barely move their lips. So then I tried making it 10 or even 100 and it did nothing!!

I also don't understand what the 4th argument (threshold) is. I just usually set it to be the same as the scale argument....


07-07-2008, 02:39 PM
I would leave the threshold at the default value of 0. Incoming audio samples that have a magnitude less than the threshold value will force the mouth to close. If you raise the threshold value too high, then no sample will be above the threshold and the mouth won't move.