View Full Version : using i900 joystick in a taskFunction

06-04-2008, 05:12 AM

What I'm trying to do is, using the buttons on the joystick to scale my virtual world. I'm using a task know, but it seems that the event doesn't get triggered when using "viz.SENSOR_UP_EVENT". If I use "viztask.waitSensorDown" then I don't know what to put in it as a button. I've tried the state things from the manual "joystickSensor.get()[7]" but it doesn't give me the actual pressed button wich I have to put in, right?

def scaleOnSensorEvent() :
dataObject = viz.Data
sensorData = joystickSensor.get()

while True :
yield viztask.waitEvent(viz.SENSOR_UP_EVENT, dataObject)
# yield viztask.waitSensorDown(joystickSensor, button??, dataObject)
print "something"

if viz.get(viz.TRACKER):

headSensor = viz.add('intersense.dls')

joystickSensor = viz.add('intersense.dls')


thanks for your help

06-04-2008, 10:24 AM
The intersense.dls plugin does not generate sensor up/down events. You need to manually check the button state by examining the value at index 7 of the data array. The documentation for the intersense plugin has sample code showing how to check for the button state of the joystick.

06-06-2008, 01:52 AM
Thank you,
I've used a timer now, and it works. It would be handy though to be able to use a task with the IS-900 joystick (wand). The use of tasks makes it a whole lot easier, great concept!

06-10-2008, 10:20 AM
You can create your own custom task conditions. For example, here are two conditions that wait for an IS900 button to be pressed or released:class waitIS900Down( viztask.Condition ):
def __init__( self, sensor, button ):
self._sensor = sensor
self._button = button

def update( self ):
return int(self._sensor.getData()[7]) & self._button

class waitIS900Up( viztask.Condition ):
def __init__( self, sensor, button ):
self._sensor = sensor
self._button = button

def update( self ):
return (int(self._sensor.getData()[7]) & self._button) == 0Here is code that shows how to use it:.
yield waitIS900Down(isense,1)
print 'Button 1 pressed'
yield waitIS900Up(isense,1)
print 'Button 1 released'