View Full Version : Timing events

02-26-2008, 01:20 AM
Was wondering what is the best way to execute a sequence of simple events -
to be more specific i want an avatar so use the "speak()" function
after let's say 10 seconds, and then a different speak function 10 seconds
after the first ended, and then another one 60 seconds later, and then walk
someplace a given time later.

I'm a bit confused from the tutorials - i know there is waittime() and director, and also using timers, but haven't figured what best suits the cause.


02-26-2008, 07:03 AM
I'd say using actions would be the best way. Since speak() and walkto() are both actions, you could use the vizact.sequence() method along with vizact.waittime() to create a sequence of actions that would execute when you want them to. You should look up the vizact module in the vizard documentation for more information on actions.