View Full Version : Shaders...

02-18-2007, 02:07 PM
Hello Wizards, I'm back !!:cool:

I got two GLSL codes:
1) one vertex program
2) one fragment program

I would like to use these shaders in my application but I don't understand how to pass parameters like textures or values to them...

shader = viz.addShader(viz.SHADER_TANGENT, vert="v1.vp", frag="f1.fp"):
How can I pass params ? :confused:

Thanks a lot!!

02-20-2007, 09:27 AM
Vizard comes with 2 sample scripts showing how to use GLSL. The scripts are tutorial_alphaMap.py and tutorial_multiTexture.py and are located in the [Vizard30]/examples/shader directory.

For example, if you wanted to create a floating point parameter, you would do the following:MyParam = viz.addUniformFloat( 'paramName', 0.5 )