I'm running a single Power Wall setup with a head-tracker, and having difficulty setting up stereo for this environment. I'm using an NVidia Quadro FX 3700, and setting Vizard to use quad-buffered stereo.
The key pieces of my code are:
#setup tracker
vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle')
head = vrpn.addTracker('Tracker0@hiball')
#head = viztracker.add() #simulated tracker
#setup cave
cave = vizcave.Cave()
#setup viewpoint
view = vizcave.CaveView(tracker)
link = viz.link(view,viz.MainView)
#start application
#viz.go() #non-stereo setup
If I run this without stereo the application starts with the viewpoint looking in the right direction. But when I start the application with quad-buffered stereo, the viewpoint is skewed off to a funny part of the scene. I tried to debug this using a simulated keyboard tracker (see commented line above), and the same thing happens: without stereo the viewpoint looks correct; with stereo the viewpoint is skewed in an odd direction.
I suppose that I can correct for this skewness by using setPosition and setEuler on the view, but I fundamentally don't understand why stereo should cause the viewpoint to be grossly different. Shouldn't it be approximately the same view, with slightly shifted frustums for the left and right eyes?