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Old 09-10-2008, 05:27 PM
rubberpimple rubberpimple is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 16
Collision with child nodes


A previous thread went as follows:

Initial Question:
is it possible to detect collision between specific bone of the 5DT glove's hand model and some other objects ? When I try to apply collision mesh directly on a specific bone, it says that VizBone object has no attribute collideMesh. Is there some other way, then ?

Farshizzo, your reply was:
You cannot perform collision on bones, only the entire avatar mesh. Are you trying to detect when the fingers touch something? If so, you can create an empty group node with a collision shape similar to the finger, then before performing collision detection you can manually place the group node at the current finger bone location. Either way, if you can describe what you are trying to accomplish I can provide you with some sample code.

I tried to reply to the post, but it doesn't seem to have bee noticed. I repeated my original question below:
I'd love to see the code for this. I'm trying to do collision detection between a hand model and specific child nodes of a parent object. Did I read somewhere that I can only do collision detection on nodes that are children of viz.WORLD?

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