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Old 11-12-2008, 02:34 PM
Vinicius Lima Vinicius Lima is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 40
Question on Graphics Card for laptop

Good afternoon,

We are purchasing a laptop to use on Virtual Reality Presentations with a 3d projector and shutter glasses. We had one that had a Quadro graphics card built into it but we heard from some of you at WorldViz you were finding this model a little troublesome.

Therefore, before we buy we would like to know if you recommend another model that might also work. We will be using the same equipment we had set up for this (an InFocus 3d projector and regular shutter glasses)

Thank you,

Vinicius Lima
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Old 11-12-2008, 03:59 PM
mspusch mspusch is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 223
The problem in general is that the nVidia drivers for active stereo are not working reliably. there is a lot of dicsussion that you can find in all kind of game forums about this.

RE which laptop to purchase, in general one with a quadro card would be recommended.
Worldviz always has some units in stock here which have been tested for active stereo, so if you want, you can also purchase from Worldviz directly. then we can test with a InFocus 3D projector before sending the laptop out.

We typically buy computers in batches after testing an individual model and finding that it works, and I think there are still two units from a quadro batch available, for some 2k each (I'd need to look for exact prices). If you are interested, send an email to

If you buy a new laptop from Dell, try to find info on consumer user forums about stereo applications that run on the laptop. As mentioned, there have be some reports about stereo problems with even the new quadro cards under Vista.

In general, we would recommend to avoid Vista currently
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