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Old 08-10-2006, 12:20 PM
Vbents Vbents is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 25
error when using head morph


I have an intermittent error when using a simple blink function for an avatar. This is what the error is reported as:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "the final version (fixing the bugs).py", line 712, in Blink4
File "C:\Program Files\Vizard25\", line 3509, in morph
File "C:\Program Files\Vizard25\", line 2997, in add
File "C:\Program Files\Vizard25\", line 5854, in addAction
KeyError: -600

Here is the blink5() function, which is passed to viz.director():

def Blink4():  
  global person4
(person4 is a wrapper class for the avatar).

I've noticed a similar problem when using avatar actions: after the action is completed, Vizard often does not return to the idling action, but instead reports a bug because it cannot randomly choose which idle action to randomly return to.

Anyway, if anyone has seen this problem and can suggest a solution, or what might be causing it, that would be great. I'm sure this has been fixed for Vizard 3, so any quick fix would suffice.


Last edited by Vbents; 08-10-2006 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 08-11-2006, 02:22 PM
Gladsomebeast Gladsomebeast is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Isla Vizta, CA
Posts: 397
Don't really know what is causing this problem. I agree that the problem probably lies with the state of the avatar's action pool.

Because it is intermitant, I suspect that it could be caused by your use of viz.director. Director functions are like threads. Perhaps using the vizact.waittime() action instead of the director function would fix things.
Paul Elliott
WorldViz LLC
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