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Custom Joystick Rotation
I'm trying to find the best way to simulate my grasper (like a tweezer- referred to as "babcock" in my code), which is driven by a custom joystick (I'm including an example picture (attachment # 1) of my joystick (left) and grasper (like a tweezer, on the right) for clarity). I'm trying to rotate my grasper around three different axes (Rx1, Rx2, Rx3). Therefore, I'm currently thinking the best way to accomplish this is by:
However, when I assign a new center from the original grasper origin, 1 unit in the z-direction away (to obtain Rx1), the center remains at the original origin (as seen in attachment # 3). Code:
# move babcock up and forward a bit (1.25, 2) from World Coordinate System babcock.setPosition([0,1.25, 2+ data[2]],viz.ABS_GLOBAL) # data[2] = TRANSLATION potentiometer babcock_axes = vizshape.addAxes(parent = babcock, pos=[0,0,0],scale=[.05,.05,.05]) X2 = viz.addText3D('X2',pos=[0.1,0,0],color=viz.RED,scale=[0.05,0.05,0.05],parent=babcock) Y2 = viz.addText3D('Y2',pos=[0,0.1,0],color=viz.GREEN,scale=[0.05,0.05,0.05],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=babcock) Z2 = viz.addText3D('Z2',pos=[0,0,0.1],color=viz.BLUE,scale=[0.05,0.05,0.05],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=babcock) # center of rotation is 3.5 from original (LCS) babcock.center(0, 0, 1) #change center of rotation to Z0 + 1 (DOESN'T WORK?) babcock_axes2 = vizshape.addAxes(parent = babcock, pos=[0,0,0], scale = [.05,.05,.05]) #CHANGE local axis to babcock (0,0,1) for Rx1 Rotation X3 = viz.addText3D('X3',pos=[0.1,0,0],color=viz.RED,scale=[0.1,0.1,0.1],parent=babcock) Y3 = viz.addText3D('Y3',pos=[0,0.1,0],color=viz.GREEN,scale=[0.1,0.1,0.1],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=babcock) Z3 = viz.addText3D('Z3',pos=[0,0,0.1],color=viz.BLUE,scale=[0.1,0.1,0.1],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=babcock) # why is the new babcock.center over the previous still? attached pic # 3 Code:
babcock.addAction( vizact.spin(1,0,0,90)) #for testing purposes only Lastly, (a less important problem currently) it seems like my scaling functions are in meters, but the numbers chosen for position are in units of inches for some reason. Is this correct? For example, if I enter a unit of 1 for the new center position distance, it definitely doesn't look like 1m, rather it's more like 1 inch. (as a frame of reference, I put a 1 inch cube (second attachment) in my VR environment, and all the sizes seem correct) Thanks in advance! |
I think I should be able to find a solution by matrix multiplication. However, I'm having some trouble with syntax.
Can someone tell me the correct way to multiply 4x4 and 4x1 matrices? For instance: Code:
import vizmat import numpy import math A = vizmat.Transform() B = vizmat.Transform() A.set(0.866,-0.5,0,0,0.5,0.866,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1) B=[[0],[0],[2],[0]] #B.set(0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) C = A*B print 'C = ', C Therefore, if I uncomment B.set, and comment out B, C = the correct answer of ([[-1],[1.732],[0],[0]]), but then I would need to add another step of extracting just the first column from the matrix. |
I solved the matrix multiplication using the following great code by kai.
http://www.syntagmatic.net/matrix-mu...ion-in-python/ |
Defining & Using Multiple Centers (of Rotation)
I'm still trying to find out how to set multiple centers (three) for my custom joystick. Separately, my three joystick centers (and rotations/translations) work perfectly. However, when I try and put all three of the centers (and rotations/translation) into one main function, I get three separate joysticks or the last of the centers overwrites the first two. Can someone please tell me how I can have three successive centers (and rotation/translation functions) for my joystick? The pseudo code would look something like: Code:
def Kinematics_1(): setCenter_1 setEuler_1 setPosition_1 def Kinematics_2(): setCenter_2 setEuler_2 setPosition_2 def Kinematics_3(): setCenter_3 setEuler_3 setPosition_3 def read_DAQ(): #read in data from DAQ data = pdata def director_loop(): read_DAQ() Kinematics_1() Kinematics_2() Kinematics_3() viztask.schedule(director_loop()) Code:
shaft = viz.add('shaft.dae', pos = (0,5,-5)) babcock_1 = viz.addChild('origin.dae', parent = shaft) babcock_2 = viz.addChild('origin.dae', parent = shaft) scale = 40 #degrees (360/9) trans_scale = 5 #translation pot (pot #1) def read_DAQ(): # used obtain DAQ values CHK(nidaq.DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,1, float64(-1), DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,pdata.ctypes.data,max_num_samples,ctypes.byref(read),None)) return(pdata) def Kinematics_1(): shaft.center(0,0,1.738) #POT 0- BASE ROTATIONS shaft.setEuler(180+scale*pdata[0],0,0) #POT 1- TRANSLATION# shaft.setPosition(0,0,pdata[1]*trans_scale-3) #pot 2: grasper open/clock babcock_1.setEuler(160-pdata[2]*scale,0,0) babcock_2.setEuler(-160+pdata[2]*scale,0,180) #POT 3: JOYSTICK TIP ROTATION #POT 4: FIRST U-JOINT ROTATION shaft.setEuler(180+scale*pdata[0],(pdata[4]*scale)+180,-(pdata[3]*scale)+90) #CORRECT(3), CORRECT(4) def Kinematics_2(): shaft.setCenter(0,-1.6125,1.738) #POT 5- 1st U-Joint, 2nd Rotation #POT 6- 2nd U-Joing, 1st Rotation shaft.setEuler(0,(-pdata[5]*scale)-180,pdata[6]*scale) #reversed pot glue position 180 deg def Kinematics_3(): shaft.setCenter(0,-3.227/2,1.738) shaft.setEuler(0,0,pdata[7]*scale+40) def read_DAQ(): # used obtain DAQ values CHK(nidaq.DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,1, float64(-1), DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,pdata.ctypes.pdata,max_num_samples,ctypes.byref(read),None)) return(pdata) def director_function_loop(): while True: value0 = yield viztask.waitDirector(read_DAQ) value1 = yield viztask.waitDirector(Kinematics_1) value2 = yield viztask.waitDirector(Kinematics_2) value3 = yield viztask.waitDirector(Kinematics_3) viztask.schedule(director_function_loop()) |
Setting the center should change the rotation point but will not affect the position of the object. You should be able to modify the center as many times as you want during the course of the script. You can use the node.getCenter command to verify the center is where you expect it to be.
It's a bit difficult to understand the problem without having an example to run. Can you create an example using Vizard's included resources that reproduces the issue and can be run directly? |
Jeff, thanks for the reply. I've created a simple example below for your review. I've assigned three different centers to rotate about in my Kinematic function.
import viztask import viz import vizshape import vizcam import vizact viz.go() viz.clearcolor(0.5,0.7,1) #Change navigation style to pivot cam = vizcam.PivotNavigate(center=[0,0,0], distance = 25) cam.rotateUp(45) cam.rotateRight(0) #Add grid grid = vizshape.addGrid() grid.color(viz.GRAY) grid.collidePlane() # Make collideable plane #Add an object. shaft = vizshape.addCylinder(height = 5, radius = .25, slices = 15) r = 5 def Kinematics_1(rotation1): shaft.center =(1,1,1) vizact.whilekeydown('a',shaft.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(r),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) shaft.center = (2,2,2) vizact.whilekeydown('s',shaft.setEuler,[0,vizact.elapsed(-r),0],viz.REL_LOCAL) shaft.center = (3,3,3) vizact.whilekeydown('d',shaft.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(-r),0,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) vizact.whilekeydown('f',shaft.setEuler,[vizact.elapsed(r),0,0],viz.REL_PARENT) def Main_Loop(rot): while True: print 'shaft center = ', shaft.getCenter() yield Kinematics_1(r) print '' viztask.schedule(Main_Loop(r)) Furthermore, the 'f' key would not rotate with viz.REL_LOCAL for some reason, but does for viz.REL_PARENT (even though there is no parent present). Thanks for your help. Hopefully I'm missing something silly. |
shaft.center = (1,1,1) Code:
shaft.center(1,1,1) Code:
import viztask import viz import vizshape import vizcam import vizact viz.go() viz.clearcolor(0.5,0.7,1) #Change navigation style to pivot cam = vizcam.PivotNavigate(center=[0,0,0], distance = 25) cam.rotateUp(45) cam.rotateRight(0) #Add grid grid = vizshape.addGrid() grid.color(viz.GRAY) grid.collidePlane() # Make collideable plane #Add an object. shaft = vizshape.addCylinder(height = 5, radius = .25, slices = 15) shaft.runAction(vizact.spin(0,0,1,30)) def Kinematics_1(): d = yield viztask.waitKeyDown(('a','s','d','f')) if d.key == 'a': shaft.setCenter(0.5,0,0) elif d.key == 's': shaft.setCenter(1,0,0) elif d.key == 'd': shaft.setCenter(2,0,0) elif d.key == 'f': shaft.setCenter(0,0,0) def Main_Loop(): while True: print 'shaft center = ', shaft.getCenter() yield Kinematics_1() print '' viztask.schedule(Main_Loop()) Quote:
I'm getting closer, but still not quite there. I can get the centers assigned correctly, but my simulation displays my tool in what looks like 3 different places at the same time still (attached). I think the centers, eulers, and positions are not getting assigned quite quickly enough, therefore, there's a small lag between each. Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish (get the shaft to rotate/position with three separate centers in one visual piece)? Altering the subtasks with yields (setCenters) hasn't changed anything. Thanks again for your help! Updated Code: Code:
def Kinematics_1(): scale = 40 #degrees (360/9) trans_scale = 1 #translation pot (pot #1) x = 180 shaft.center(0,0,1.738) #POT 0- BASE ROTATIONS# yield shaft.setEuler(180+scale*pdata[0],0,0) #POT 1- TRANSLATION# yield shaft.setPosition(0,0,pdata[1]*trans_scale-3, viz.ABS_PARENT) #pot 2: grasper open/clock if pdata[2]*scale > x: #graspers are not touching #print 'graspers NOT touching' babcock_1.setEuler(x-pdata[2]*scale,0,0,viz.ABS_PARENT) babcock_2.setEuler(-x+pdata[2]*scale,0,180,viz.ABS_PARENT) else: #graspers are touching #print 'graspers touching' babcock_1.setEuler(x/scale,0,0,viz.ABS_PARENT) babcock_2.setEuler((x/scale),0,180,viz.ABS_PARENT) #POT 3: JOYSTICK TIP ROTATION #POT 4: FIRST U-JOINT ROTATION yield shaft.setEuler(180+scale*pdata[0],(pdata[4]*scale)+180,-(pdata[3]*scale)+90) #def Kinematics_2(): #alter center point of rotation shaft.setCenter(0,-1.6125,1.738) #POT 5- 1st U-Joint, 2nd Rotation #POT 6- 2nd U-Joing, 1st Rotation yield shaft.setEuler(0,(-pdata[5]*scale)-180,pdata[6]*scale) #def Kinematics_3(): scale = 40 #alter center point of rotation shaft.setCenter(0,-3.227,1.738) yield shaft.setEuler(0,0,pdata[7]*scale+40) def Main_Loop(): while True: yield Kinematics_1() viztask.schedule(Main_Loop()) |
I realize this is hard to troubleshoot, but does no response mean you're out of ideas?
Sorry for the delay responding. As I mentioned before it's best to post simple example code that shows the problem clearly and that can be run directly.
It sounds like your questions are project specific. You may be interested in our closed support forum where you can get more assistance with that. For more information please contact sales@worldviz.com. |
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