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i'm trying to make an environment using a tracker that gives a visual appearance of falling, but the actual tracker doesn't move. i have something that works fine when i'm just using keyboard commands to move, but it doesn't seem to work with the tracker.
here is the code i'm using: ***************** fallAction = vizact.fall(-28.18) if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > 1.0 view.add(fallAction) ***************** this is enclosed within a timer loop that generally controls all of the actions: def masterLoop(num): . . . viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,masterLoop) viz.starttimer(0,1/60.0,viz.FOREVER) but here is the error message i get, which seems to want some sort of timer: AttributeError: 'VizFallAction' object has no attribute 'elapsed' Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard30\python\viz.py", line 8030, in __update curAction.update(elaps,curAction._obj_) File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard30\python\vizact.py", line 479, in update self.elapsed += elapsed any suggestions? |
You should be getting another error message before the one you posted. What does that one say? What kind of object is the view object? The easiest way for me to solve the problem would be if you posted an entire script that reproduces the error.
for this code, view is just the vizard mainview:
view = viz.MainView here is a stripped down version of the code. there are a few models at the top which can be replaced with a generic ground. basically, there is a ground with a pit in it, and we want people to have the view of falling into the pit. i'd also like to have them pop back up when they get out of the range of the pit. it works fine on keyboard control but not when using the tracker: import viz import vizact import time import math import random import winsound ground = viz.add('Models/ground_2m.ive') pit = viz.add('Models/ground_pit_new.ive') #Select this for single-monitor desktop use... #viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) #OR select these for HMD/dual-monitor use: viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.FULLSCREEN) light1 = viz.addLight() #Add an overhead light light1.setEuler(0,90,0) ## Prompt for the participant's identification number - generally keep this uncommented! ## keyControl = viz.input('Using Tracker? 1 = Yes, 2 = No') #subject = viz.input('What is the participant number?') if keyControl == 1: eyeohd = viz.input('What is the participants IOD?') #HMD field of view: (vert. FOV, aspect ratio H:V) #viz.fov(53,1.1887) #Kaiser SR80 specs viz.fov(43,1.395) #Cybermind specs ##Rename the main view ## view = viz.MainView #Link viewpoint with tracker, initialize boresite if keyControl == 1: #If you're using the tracker headTrack = viz.addSensor('intersense')#Ignore documentation stating you need "intersense.dls" - this is correct linkedTracker = viz.link(headTrack, view) #Link the sensor to the view. linkedTracker.preTrans([0,-.15,.14]) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position # viz.link(headTrack, view) #Link the sensor to the view. viz.eyeheight(0.0) view.translate(0,-.19,.14) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position viz.ipd(eyeohd/100.0) ##################################### #Initialize parameters for keyboard control MOVE_SPEED = 1.3 #m/s TURN_SPEED = 60 #deg/s #NOTE: Default eye height for keyboard control is 6', doesn't affect tracked viewpoint viz.phys.enable() # Enable physics viz.MainView.gravity (0) #This turns mouse control of view and mouse pointer off - very disconcerting for subjects! # Generally keep both viz.OFF, unless you have a specific need. viz.mouse(viz.OFF) viz.cursor(viz.OFF) Risen = True def masterLoop(num): global Risen fallAction = vizact.fall(-28.18) riseAction = vizact.fall(1.82) if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > -1 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < 1: if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > 5.375: view.add(fallAction) Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < 4.625 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > -1.625: view.add(fallAction) Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < -2.375: view.add(fallAction) Risen = False else: view.add(riseAction) Risen = False print 'back up' elif (view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < -1 or view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > 1) and Risen == False: view.add(riseAction) Risen = True print 'normal view' ###### KEYBOARD CONTROL MODULE - DON'T TOUCH ###### if keyControl == 2: #If you're using the keyboard; defined at top if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_UP): #If the up key is depressed view.move(0,0,MOVE_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_OR I) # Move view to z coordinate specified by speed*elapsed time elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN): #And so on and so forth view.move(0,0,-MOVE_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI) if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT): view.rotate(0,1,0,TURN_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BOD Y_ORI,viz.RELATIVE_WORLD) elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT): view.rotate(0,1,0,-TURN_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI,viz.RELATIVE _WORLD) ############################################# viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,masterLoop) #This starts the timer. First value (0) is a timer identifier, second (1/60) is the refresh rate, third (viz.FOREVER) is how long it lasts viz.starttimer(0,1/60.0,viz.FOREVER) |
You need to post the code using the [code][/code] tags. This will preserve the indentation, which is necessary for running Python code.
sorry, i'm new to this format so i thought it would preserve the tabs that were in place. here's the code again:
import viz import vizact import time import math import random import winsound ground = viz.add('Models/ground_2m.ive') pit = viz.add('Models/ground_pit_new.ive') viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.FULLSCREEN) light1 = viz.addLight() #Add an overhead light light1.setEuler(0,90,0) ## Prompt for the participant's identification number - generally keep this uncommented! ## keyControl = viz.input('Using Tracker? 1 = Yes, 2 = No') #subject = viz.input('What is the participant number?') if keyControl == 1: eyeohd = viz.input('What is the participants IOD?') viz.fov(43,1.395) #Cybermind specs ##Rename the main view ## view = viz.MainView #Link viewpoint with tracker, initialize boresite if keyControl == 1: #If you're using the tracker headTrack = viz.addSensor('intersense')#Ignore documentation stating you need "intersense.dls" - this is correct ##################################### #Initialize parameters for keyboard control MOVE_SPEED = 1.3 #m/s TURN_SPEED = 60 #deg/s #NOTE: Default eye height for keyboard control is 6', doesn't affect tracked viewpoint viz.phys.enable() # Enable physics viz.MainView.gravity (0) #This turns mouse control of view and mouse pointer off - very disconcerting for subjects! # Generally keep both viz.OFF, unless you have a specific need. viz.mouse(viz.OFF) viz.cursor(viz.OFF) Risen = True def masterLoop(num): global Risenviz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,masterLoop) #This starts the timer. First value (0) is a timer identifier, second (1/60) is the refresh rate, third (viz.FOREVER) is how long it lasts viz.starttimer(0,1/60.0,viz.FOREVER) Reply With Quote |
I get a syntax error when trying to run your code. It doesn't seem like you used the [code][/code] tags. Just copy the contents of your script and paste them in between the tags.
i am run it again after updating to the latest edition to vizard, and now it does not give me any error messages at all. however, it is still not creating the visual fall when i hook it up to the HMD and tracker (is900), even though it works on keyboard mode. it is definitely detecting that it is in the right location because it prints "in pit" in the appropriate location. could it be that the viewpoint is bound to the physical location of the tracker and so it won't fall?
import viz import vizact import time import math import random import winsound ground = viz.add('Models/ground_2m.ive') pit = viz.add('Models/ground_pit_new.ive') viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.FULLSCREEN) light1 = viz.addLight() #Add an overhead light light1.setEuler(0,90,0) ## Prompt for the participant's identification number - generally keep this uncommented! ## keyControl = viz.input('Using Tracker? 1 = Yes, 2 = No') #subject = viz.input('What is the participant number?') if keyControl == 1: eyeohd = viz.input('What is the participants IOD?') viz.fov(43,1.395) #Cybermind specs ##Rename the main view ## view = viz.MainView #Link viewpoint with tracker, initialize boresite if keyControl == 1: #If you're using the tracker headTrack = viz.addSensor('intersense')#Ignore documentation stating you need "intersense.dls" - this is correct linkedTracker = viz.link(headTrack, view) #Link the sensor to the view. linkedTracker.preTrans([0,-.15,.14]) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position # viz.link(headTrack, view) #Link the sensor to the view. viz.eyeheight(0.0) view.translate(0,-.19,.14) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position viz.ipd(eyeohd/100.0) ##################################### #Initialize parameters for keyboard control MOVE_SPEED = 1.3 #m/s TURN_SPEED = 60 #deg/s #NOTE: Default eye height for keyboard control is 6', doesn't affect tracked viewpoint viz.phys.enable() # Enable physics viz.MainView.gravity (0) #This turns mouse control of view and mouse pointer off - very disconcerting for subjects! # Generally keep both viz.OFF, unless you have a specific need. viz.mouse(viz.OFF) viz.cursor(viz.OFF) Risen = True def masterLoop(num): global Risen fallAction = vizact.fall(-28.18) riseAction = vizact.fall(1.82) if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > -1 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < 1: if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > 5.375: view.add(fallAction) print 'in pit' Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < 4.625 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > -1.625: view.add(fallAction) print 'pit 2' Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < -2.375: view.add(fallAction) print 'pit 3' Risen = False else: view.add(riseAction) Risen = False print 'back up' elif (view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < -1 or view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > 1) and Risen == False: view.add(riseAction) Risen = True print 'normal view' ###### KEYBOARD CONTROL MODULE - DON'T TOUCH ###### if keyControl == 2: #If you're using the keyboard; defined at top if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_UP): #If the up key is depressed view.move(0,0,MOVE_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI) # Move view to z coordinate specified by speed*elapsed time elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN): #And so on and so forth view.move(0,0,-MOVE_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI) if viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT): view.rotate(0,1,0,TURN_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI,viz.RELATIVE_WORLD) elif viz.iskeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT): view.rotate(0,1,0,-TURN_SPEED*viz.elapsed(),viz.BODY_ORI,viz.RELATIVE_WORLD) ############################################# viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,masterLoop) #This starts the timer. First value (0) is a timer identifier, second (1/60) is the refresh rate, third (viz.FOREVER) is how long it lasts viz.starttimer(0,1/60.0,viz.FOREVER) |
Yes, the problem is that you are linking the viewpoint to the tracker location, which will override any translations made by the fall action. You will need to apply the fall action to a dummy node and transfer the position of the dummy node to the viewpoint as an offset. I've made the changes to your script that implement this, and it should work correctly now.
import viz import vizact import time import math import random import winsound ground = viz.add('tut_ground.wrl') pit = viz.add('ball.wrl') viz.go() light1 = viz.addLight() #Add an overhead light light1.setEuler(0,90,0) ## Prompt for the participant's identification number - generally keep this uncommented! ## keyControl = viz.input('Using Tracker? 1 = Yes, 2 = No') #subject = viz.input('What is the participant number?') if keyControl == 1: eyeohd = viz.input('What is the participants IOD?') viz.fov(43,1.395) #Cybermind specs #Dummy node for falling fallNode = viz.addGroup() fallAction = vizact.fall(-28.18) riseAction = vizact.fall(0) ##Rename the main view ## view = viz.MainView #Link viewpoint with tracker, initialize boresite if keyControl == 1: #If you're using the tracker tracker = viz.addSensor('intersense')#Ignore documentation stating you need "intersense.dls" - this is correct viz.eyeheight(0.0) view.translate(0,-.19,.14) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position viz.ipd(eyeohd/100.0) else: import viztracker tracker = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF(forward=viz.KEY_UP,backward=viz.KEY_DOWN,turnRight=viz.KEY_RIGHT,turnLeft=viz.KEY_LEFT) linkedTracker = viz.link(tracker, view) #Link the sensor to the view. linkedTracker.preTrans([0,-.15,.14]) #Boresite function - translates the viewpoint from the tracker position to eyepoint position linkedTracker.postMultLinkable(fallNode,mask=viz.LINK_POS) ##################################### #Initialize parameters for keyboard control MOVE_SPEED = 1.3 #m/s TURN_SPEED = 60 #deg/s #NOTE: Default eye height for keyboard control is 6', doesn't affect tracked viewpoint #This turns mouse control of view and mouse pointer off - very disconcerting for subjects! # Generally keep both viz.OFF, unless you have a specific need. viz.mouse(viz.OFF) viz.cursor(viz.OFF) Risen = True def masterLoop(num): global Risen if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > -1 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < 1 and Risen == True: if view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > 5.375: fallNode.addAction(fallAction) print 'in pit' Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < 4.625 and view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] > -1.625: fallNode.addAction(fallAction) print 'pit 2' Risen = False elif view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[2] < -2.375: fallNode.addAction(fallAction) print 'pit 3' Risen = False else: fallNode.addAction(riseAction) Risen = False print 'back up' elif (view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] < -1 or view.getPosition(mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[0] > 1) and Risen == False: fallNode.addAction(riseAction) Risen = True print 'normal view' viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,masterLoop) #This starts the timer. First value (0) is a timer identifier, second (1/60) is the refresh rate, third (viz.FOREVER) is how long it lasts viz.starttimer(0,1/60.0,viz.FOREVER) |
thanks, it worked!
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