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Old 09-27-2005, 01:56 AM
searsky searsky is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6 and missing in trail 2.53


I just downloaded 2.53f and I was hoping to find there as part of the examples. But it isn't there, while in vizard help it is written that it is supposed to be in the tex_lightning directory. And the same goes for

So I wondered what went wrong and if there is a possibility of posting both missing examples on the forum. That would be of great help.

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Old 09-27-2005, 01:07 PM
tobin tobin is offline
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This is a mistake in the documentation (it's forshadowing what's in the pipe for Vizard 3.0 for next year).

If you have a burning need for either of these features, please describe your application and how you need to solve a specific problem and we can perhaps provide you with an interim solution.
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Old 09-28-2005, 09:33 AM
searsky searsky is offline
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Posts: 6
I'm working on a room design app, which works nicely with vizard, but I'm concentrating myself first on the GUI with wxPython so I don't have a burning need right now.

It's good to hear it's in the pipeline for 3.0

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Old 09-28-2005, 09:38 AM
tobin tobin is offline
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Posts: 251
Much of what you may be trying to achieve might be best done using "render to texture" features within 3DMax. There, you can perform fancy (otherwise non-realtime) lighting and render the results to a light map which can then be used in Vizard to modulate your scene. I don't have a demo I can easily provide you at the moment but the duck court room is an example of render to texture--all the lighting effect there are generated in 3DMax and baked onto the wall textures. Lights maps are slighly different but same idea.
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