collission and scaling of objects
collission-detection between objects does not seem to consider the scaling of objects. I have a glider (developed in 3d Studio Max) self.node = viz.add('../resources/joNew/glider2.wrl') and scale it in vizard by self.node.scale(0.01,0.01,0.01) If I call the Code:
for object in collidablesBall: #Don't check for collisions with the same object if object == ball: continue #Perform the collision check with the room global gliderObj info = ball.collidingwith(object,1) #print 'hallo',info.intersected if info.intersected: print 'inBox',collidablesBall Checked everything....Checked it again, as I now I'm no expert yet... Then I took the scaling out and saw that it collided with the unscaled glider... Is this right, what can I do? Johannes |
Are you using collidemesh to check for collisions with the glider? The collidemesh function doesn't take scale into account. Try scaling the object within 3d Studio Max and re-exporting it. |
Yes, that's what I did and it works now, thank's.
Because the functions of collission are undocumented, I want to know what they do, here are my hypotheses - correct me, if I'm wrong: object.collidemesh() activetes the mesh of the object, so others can collide with it. info = ball.collidingwith(object,1) info.intersected checks for the collision. For what stands the 1? ball.collidesphere(0.025) can be used instead of collidemesh() for spherical objects - is maybe better because maybe ball.collidemesh() would construct a box-mesh?! Thanks, Johannes |
Here's some more info about each object. collidemesh() - When checking collisions with the object, its underlying geometry will be used. Fore complex objects this is more accurate since the collisions are going to be performed per triangle, however it uses a lot more cpu. collidesphere(radius) - When checking collisions with the object, a bounding sphere will be used with the given radius. This uses considerably less cpu power than checking collisions with a mesh. And if your object is already spherical, then this will be more accurate also. collidebox(width,height,depth) - When checking collisions with the object, a bounding box will be used with the given dimensions. If you don't specify the dimensions, then Vizard will automatically calculate the objects bounding box. This also uses considerably less cpu than checking with the mesh. collidingwith(object,mode) - This checks if the object is colliding with another object. If mode is 0 then this function will return 0 or 1 to signify that the objects are colliding. If mode is 1 then this function will return a VizIntersect object, which contains detailed information about the intersection. |
Thank you for this good explanation.
Is there something like collidecylinder(radius, height) ? More general, are all the "standard primitives" included? Tank you and have a great weekend! Johannes |
These are the only primitives currently supported. As I've mentioned before, this functionality isn't official yet. When it is finalized there will be more primitives to choose from, including cylinders. |
Thank you!
Removing of objects seems not to be possible? Searching in this forum I found: http://www.worldviz.com/forum/showth...ghlight=remove "Currently you can't remove an object from memory, but you can make it invisible as you already did. We are hoping to have this feature by the next release also." So the workaround is: gliderObj.visible(False) instead of gliderObj.remove() Johannes |
That was from an older post, you should be able to remove objects permanently with the remove command. |
Yes, it works. Don't know what went wrong two hours ago...
Right now I'm trying to look at my room with the 3d-glasses (V8). I have been trying for more than two hours, but still have the following two problems: I put this at the beginning of my file to initialize the tracker: Code:
EYE_HEIGHT =1.8 viz.go(viz.PROMPT) if viz.get(viz.TRACKER): myTracker = viz.add('vizppt.dls') myTracker.reset() # Reset the tracker viz.tracker() else: tracking = 0 viz.eyeheight(EYE_HEIGHT) But unfortunately when I put on the glasses I find myself up above tha room. 2. When I turn my head, I can look aroung but it does not seem to track my movements as I'm walking around. 3. It feels like on the sea, everything is moving a little bit and that's quite exhausting. Any ideas how to improve this? On the computerscreen it looks and works fine. Johannes |
Immediately after you add the tracker try issuing the following command: Code:
myTracker.command(6,'',1,1,1) Code:
myTracker.command(3,'',2,1,2) |
I'm still trying without sucess. If I try this isolated piece below, I'm still up in the roof (about 2 m from the floor). At least it tracks! Code:
import viz import vizmat import time import math EYE_HEIGHT =1.8 viz.go(viz.PROMPT) if viz.get(viz.TRACKER): myTracker = viz.add('vizppt.dls') myTracker.command(6,'',1,1,1) myTracker.command(3,'',2,1,2) v = viz.add('intersense.dls') myTracker.reset() # Reset the tracker viz.tracker() else: tracking = 0 viz.eyeheight(EYE_HEIGHT) #Create a room myroom = viz.add('../resources/models/room.wrl') What do I need to change? I also don't understand the following in the help-file Average position by N samples ppt.command(5,"",3) # Average over 3 samples Does this steady the movement? Set the reset mask for each axis ppt.command(6,"",0,1,0) # Reset affect Y axis only What is reset Mask - is it how it started? and in gallery I found factor = 5.0 guess this seems to make movements quicker (if I move 2 cm it tracks 10)?? Sorry for the many questions but I'm already trying to figure this out for some hours... Johannes |
if I have the VR running I can also try to experiment with the rest.
So don't worry about the help-file-questions too much! I also wondered if (and how) I could use the mouse-motion during VR, it seems to be disabled because usually the head-mounted-display should take control. Johannes |
Can you try the following script and tell me what it prints out: Code:
import viz viz.go() ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') ppt.command(6,'',1,1,1) ppt.reset() viz.tracker() viz.eyeheight(1.8) def ontimer(num): print viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS)[1] viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,ontimer) viz.starttimer(0,0.1,viz.FOREVER) The average command will tell the ppt to average the position over the last N number of samples. The reset mask controls which axes are affected by the reset command. By default all axes should be affected by the reset, but there was a bug in the ppt plugin which caused the y axis to not be affected. |
it prints out this: ************************************************** **************************** * VIZARD 2.50b * * * ************************************************** **************************** vizppt.dls WorldViz PPT v1.1 ** NOTIFTY: Connected to PPT on COM1 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50404047966 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50404047966 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.50373530388 2.5034301281 2.50373530388 2.50526118279 2.50098872185 2.4985473156 2.50190424919 2.51868891716 2.54584956169 2.60383296013 2.68378901482 2.79884028435 2.92274165154 3.02680659294 3.08356928825 3.100659132 3.07532954216 3.042065382 3.01215815544 2.993237257 2.99567866325 3.02924799919 3.1040160656 3.19923090935 3.31916499138 3.43543696404 3.56544184685 3.66096186638 3.7094848156 3.69178462029 3.63105463982 3.50501704216 3.32954096794 3.12781977654 2.93494868279 2.78236079216 2.67982172966 2.62122797966 2.57728266716 2.54157710075 2.51990962029 2.48969721794 2.4692504406 2.46955561638 2.47291254997 2.47352290154 2.47474360466 2.47474360466 2.47474360466 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47810053825 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47779536247 2.47749018669 2.47779536247 so it seems the ey-height is really off! This is the gallery-part which works fine. Guess somebody fitted it, because it is called gallery_rutgers.py Code:
import viz import time import Avatar import math import sid import vizmat # viz.displaymode(1280,480) # viz.go(viz.PROMPT | viz.HMD | viz.STEREO | viz.TRACKER) SHOW_VIDEO = 1 SHOW_MONA = 1 PLAY_AUDIO = 1 PLAY_MEDIA = 1 USE_JOYSTICK = 1 SHOW_AVATAR_R2 = 1 # EYE_HEIGHT = 1.8 EYE_HEIGHT = -0.1 viz.go(viz.PROMPT) if viz.get(viz.TRACKER): v = viz.add('intersense.dls') v = viz.add('intersense.dls') pos = viz.add('vizppt.dls') pos.command(5,'',3) pos.factor = 5.0 viz.eyeheight(EYE_HEIGHT) #Do automatic tracking for head viz.tracker() # pos = viz.add('vizppt.dls') # pos.command(4.002) # pos.command(13) # pos.factor = 2.0 # viz.tracker() # v.reset() tracking = 1 else: tracking = 0 viz.eyeheight(EYE_HEIGHT) if viz.get(viz.TRACKER): viz.fov(40, 1.33) Johannes |
Try the following instead. After the script has started press the 'r' key to reset the ppt: Code:
import viz viz.go() ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') ppt.command(6,'',1,1,1) ppt.reset() viz.tracker() viz.eyeheight(1.8) def ontimer(num): print viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS)[1] viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,ontimer) viz.starttimer(0,0.1,viz.FOREVER) def onkeydown(key): if key == 'r': ppt.reset() viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT,onkeydown) |
now I got the following data which seems to be correct. But as you already reset at the beginning, why again with pressing r. Does it not do it? Johannes P.S. The data-output ************************************************** **************************** * VIZARD 2.50b * * * ************************************************** **************************** vizppt.dls WorldViz PPT v1.1 ** NOTIFTY: Connected to PPT on COM1 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47108149529 2.47169184685 2.47169184685 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47108149529 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47169184685 2.47138667107 2.47230219841 2.47108149529 2.47138667107 2.4707763195 2.47443842888 2.50281977654 2.55134272575 2.651440382 2.76893305779 2.90473628044 3.04786372185 3.18031001091 3.29169917107 3.3872191906 3.47846674919 3.54591059685 3.57215571404 3.54530024529 3.4653441906 3.33381342888 3.17695307732 3.0112426281 2.85712885857 2.74848628044 2.64716792107 2.57636713982 2.53028559685 2.48695063591 2.47108149529 2.4692504406 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47230219841 2.47199702263 2.47138667107 2.47199702263 2.47169184685 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47169184685 2.47199702263 2.47169184685 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47169184685 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47199702263 2.47169184685 ************************************************** **************************** * VIZARD 2.50b * * * ************************************************** **************************** vizppt.dls WorldViz PPT v1.1 ** NOTIFTY: Connected to PPT on COM1 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 2.47138667107 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.79999995232 1.7969481945 1.79938960075 1.82838129997 1.89582514763 2.0053832531 2.104565382 2.21412348747 2.30689692497 2.40546870232 2.53638911247 2.69630122185 2.836987257 2.94837641716 3.04786372185 3.10157465935 3.12171626091 3.11835932732 3.1040160656 3.08417963982 3.06708979607 3.03535151482 2.98011469841 2.86842036247 2.70576167107 2.53638911247 2.36976313591 2.20130610466 2.04658198357 1.94709467888 1.87568354607 1.85340571404 1.83906245232 1.82899165154 1.82868647575 1.8296020031 1.82838129997 1.82746577263 1.82685542107 1.82746577263 1.82685542107 1.83051753044 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.82990717888 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.82990717888 1.83021235466 1.82990717888 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.83021235466 1.82990717888 1.82990717888 |
You can remove the reset at the beginning. The reason it didn't work before was that the reset was being called too early. The ppt didn't have a valid data sample, so it could not reset the position. |
also the data looks alright now, when I put the room (the normal myroom from your 1 tutorial) in there I'm still too high. line I added: #Create a room myroom = viz.add('../resources/models/room.wrl') I also cannot look arount. If also write v = viz.add('intersense.dls') below the line ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') it works better with moving and lookint to the floor. What might be the mistake? Johannes Here the code with the two lines included: Code:
import viz viz.go(viz.PROMPT) ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') v = viz.add('intersense.dls') ppt.command(6,'',1,1,1) ppt.reset() viz.tracker() viz.eyeheight(1.8) def ontimer(num): print viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS)[1] viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,ontimer) viz.starttimer(0,0.1,viz.FOREVER) def onkeydown(key): if key == 'r': ppt.reset() viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT,onkeydown) #Create a room myroom = viz.add('../resources/models/room.wrl') |
When you say you cannot look around, are your referring to the intersense or mouse? |
I was referring to the myself wearing the head mounted display. But yes, the intersense is on that thing (if it is that cube, that seems to have a gyroscope in it).
Best, Johannes |
Are you getting any error messages printed out? When the intersense connects it should print out a bunch of information. If it fails it should print out an error message. |
no I don't think I get any error messages. My hypothesis is, that somehow the eyeheight of my system is setup wrong. As I compared the two gallery files - one the original in the examples and one that was changed for Rutgers (I think Matthias did it) I found the following differences (see attached Word-File). But how could I change it? Is it callibrated wrong? Do I just have to live with it? So what does this acutally do? ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') v = viz.add('intersense.dls') In the help I read: vizppt.dls All WorldViz PPT optical trackers intersense.dls All Intersense trackers I know that the intertia-cube is from intersense so I have to include the second command. But is it maybe wrong to use the vizppt.dls ? Johannes |
From your previous posts it seems as though the eyeheight is correct. The test script outputs values that are close to 1.8, which is the eyeheight you set it at. Maybe the room model you are using is too small. ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') This command will add the vizppt tracker, which only outputs positional data. v = viz.add('intersense.dls') This command will add the intersense tracker, which only outputs orientation data. If you want to track a users position and orientation then you will have to add both trackers. If the intersense tracker fails to connect then you will get an output message along the lines of "** ERROR: Failed to connect to intersense tracker". If the connection succeeds then you will get an output message that displays information about the connected tracker. Which one of these output messages are you getting? |
I don't think I got any error messages, but I will try again tomorrow (because it always takes some time to change resolution, put the computer on...). I will email this then. I also wondered if (and how) I could use the mouse-motion during VR, it seems to be disabled because usually the head-mounted-display should take control. Johannes |
To enable mouse motion you will have to stop the trackers: Code:
viz.tracker(viz.STOP) |
Thank you, have a great evening,
Johannes |
today I just played around with the eye-height and yes, this is the problem. Somehow it seems to be callibrated wrong. The following works: viz.go(viz.PROMPT) ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls') v = viz.add('intersense.dls') ppt.command(6,'',1,1,1) ppt.reset() viz.tracker() viz.eyeheight(-0.3) I will have to see if we can recalibrate or just live with it... Johannes |
What would you recommend to fix the below problem? (No hurry, as I said, it works for now).
Johannes |
I don't think I understand what your problem is right now. I thought the eyeheight problem was solved with my previous post. Is the problem with the intersense? |
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